
Answer 1
Answer: they are all the same, because they all weigh the same. they are all 1 pound
Hope this helped :)
Answer 2
Answer: This is such a tricky question!

The answer is: they all weigh equally, for the weights are all equal to 1 pound~

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The formation of rust or the  iron oxide, is by the chemical reaction between iron and atmospheric oxygen. Hence, it is a chemical change involving the formation of new product.

What is a chemical change?

A chemical change is accompanied by the making or breaking or chemical bonds and the formation of new products. Whereas, a physical change does not involve the change in chemical bond. Phase transitions, change in size,shape etc.  are physical changes.

The rust formed in the iron material is iron oxide or Fe₂O₃. This process of forming rust by the action of air or water is called corrosion. Iron reacts with atmospheric oxygen or oxygen from water forms the rust.

The formation of rust makes the material destroy  and to prevent this process some anticorrosive materials have to be applied. Hence, formation of rust is a chemical change.

To find more on corrosion, refer here:


it is a chemical change because you cannot undo rusting and a new substance- the rust- is formed

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It was one of the earliest times the concept of crustal motion had been presented to the scientific world, and it lay the foundation for the creation of current plate tectonics, even if Wegener's "continental drift" hypothesis was eventually refuted.

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To know more about Plate tectonic theory:


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A. 240 N
B. 360 N
C. 480 N
D. 120 N



120 N

Explanation: First we shoud consider the forces acted on a tree

Friction foce - acting opposite to the moving direction

Weight - Directly acting downwards

Reaction - Directly acting on upwards

For minimum required force should be equal to the friction force

F = μ R

F = 0.5×480

= 120N

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they say yum yum as they eat planets and make humans starve


but they still eat them

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