What is a figurative speech?


Answer 1
Answer: Figure of Speech (or stylisticdevice or rhetorical device) is using of different styles to complement anidea, feeling or meaning. These speeches give importance, newness ofexpression, or clearness. The following are the figures of speeches:

, Anastrophe, Anaphora, Antonomasia, Personification,Simile, Analogy, Metaphor, Alliteration, Euphemism, Assonance, Idiom, Funny Metaphors, Jargon, Double Negative, Anadiplosis, Appositive, EnthymemeParallelism,  Adjunction, Antithesis, Apostrophe, Climax, Metonymy, Oxymoron, Litotes, Paralipsis, Hyperbole, Onomatopoeia,Imagery, Symbol, Pun, Allegory, Tautology, RhetoricZeugma, Anticlimax, Consonance, Irony, Polysyndeton, RhetoricalQuestion, Asyndeton, Parenthesis, Antimetabole, Epistrophe, Understatement, Chiasmus, Epithet and False Analogy.
Answer 2
Answer: I think you mean figure of speech but I might be wrong but I will tell you what a figure of speech is...

A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a different meaning from its literal meaning.

for e.g. Similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole (Exaggeration) etc are examples.

Hope this helps! 

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Answer: it's B



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I hope this helped 
~Renee ^_^