Which of the following is not a fallacy found by structural linguists in traditional grammar?semantic fallacy
logical fallacy
morphology fallacy
normative fallacy


Answer 1

The correct answer is C. Morphology fallacy


In linguistics, which is the study of language, the structural linguistics is a perspective on language in which language is not fixed but can be analyzed by describing the elements that are part of it and that create a structure. This perspective emerged in the 20th century and was against previous perspectives of language including the traditional perspective, which stated language was a fixed system with general laws that could describe all language.

Because of this, structural linguistics found the traditional perspective or traditional grammar had different fallacies or wrong reasoning and classified these invalid reasonings in three main fallacies, the semantic fallacy related to the meaning traditional grammar use to understand language and structural linguistics; the logical fallacy because traditional grammar considered there were universal laws to describe language and the normative fallacy because in traditional grammar there were norms for using the language, but according to the structural linguistics these ideas were invalid of fallacies. Considering this, the one that was not a fallacy found by structural linguistics in traditional grammar was the morphology fallacy, considering morphology refers to the structure of words and both structural and traditional linguistics had a similar perspective; also, the main fallacies found by linguistics were the semantic, logical and normative fallacy.

Answer 2
Answer: semantic fallacy

A “slam dunk” argument is likely the product of a fallacious syllogism. The word “slam dunk” has actually originated from the basketball games. This word is used to show people a forceful move in the game of basketball. The player puts the ball in the basket with full power and force. It is often considered a dramatic shot in the game. In literary sense, the word can be used to express violent actions as well. It can also be used to describe a vicious fight among individuals.     

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d is correct because rapere and comprise is similar to plicare and exploit

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terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.
G Also, there is a devastating event and the
need for blood can become even more
critical whenever there are terrorist
attacks, such as on September 11, 2001.
H Also, whenever there is a devastating
event, the need for blood can become even
more critical. Such as the terrorist attacks
on September 11, 2001.
J Also, whenever there is a devastating
event, such as the terrorist attacks on
September 11, 2001, the need for blood
can become even more critical.

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G After the interview you’ll sit in an
armchair. Which was specially made for
people who are donating blood.
H After the interview while you’ll sit in an
armchair for people who are specially
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G Likewise
H For example
J However

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B Insert a comma after woozy
C Delete but
D Make no change



woow thats alot umm which one you didnt answer

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Kangaroos are mammals members of the marsupials species, which characterize by carrying their offspring in a pouch, and they particularly have lage powerful feet (Macropodidae family) adapted for leaping.

The question above is obviously an interesting joke to cause amusement, worthy of a clever answer like one of these:  

1. The Kangaroo went to the psychiatrist after feeling a bit jumpy.

2. and/or to get in touch with it's inner child.

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Answer: Marine Biologist

1. “Get your feet wet!”

Most conservation researchers—marine or otherwise—are driven to pursue their career out of an authentic love for and curiosity about the natural world. It’s never too early to cultivate this type of appreciation for your surroundings. Get outside, be inquisitive and never let the walls of the classroom be the boundaries of your education!

2. Show your passion for science and Marine Biology

By getting involved in science courses and extracurricular scientific activities as early as high school, you stand a better chance of becoming a marine biologist in the long run.

3. Research colleges that offer Marine Biology as a major

4. Build your Marine Biology resume

During and shortly after college, find opportunities that allow you to build your marine biology resume: internships, jobs, research assistantships, summer courses, fellowships

5. Pursue a graduate degree in Marine Biology

Explanation: Attorney

Step 1: Earn a Bachelor's Degree

Step 2: Take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT)

Step 3: Earn Your Juris Doctor (J.D.) Degree

Step 4: Consider Participating in a Clerkship

Step 5: Pass Your State Bar Examination

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whats your question?

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the answer is her (a)
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