Define and describe the different types of risk factors


Answer 1
Answer: Risk factor which is also known as a determinant refers to certain characteristics or qualities of a person that might predispose or alleviate him or her to certain events/ health status change/ accidents or crises in life. In health arena, these factors can be grouped into non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors. For non-modifiable risk factors, these are the innate or inborn characteristics that cannot be changed or modified in any way possible. It includes age, genetic predisposition, racial origin and sexual orientation. Those are the factors which your ancestors passed on to you by blood and by family ties. On the other hand, modifiable risk factors are those characteristics of a person that can be changed and modified anytime he or she wants. It includes lifestyle, social status, occupation and current health perception. For example, sedentary lifestyle can be modified once you have started working out and beginned to plan a well-balanced diet. Social status can also be modified once you are promoted at work and eventually will get a higher salary as an award. Current health status and perception can be changed through proper health education that can be inculcated through social media and health professionals' health promotion in the hospital. 
Answer 2

The risk factors are defined as a factor which increases the likelihood of the risk of disease. They are of two types, controllable and uncontrollable factor.

Further Explanation:

The health of an individual can be affected by the variety of factors that developed a disability, poor health, and cause of death is referred to as a risk factor. They can be considered as a behavior, characteristic and condition which increases the probability of acquiring any injury and disease. There are two types of risk factor present named:

  • Controllable risk factor
  • Uncontrollable risk factor

The controllable risk factor is related to the behavior and situation of a person. It can be changed. On the other hand, the uncontrollable risk factor is related to gender and age, which cannot be altered. Risk factors increase the risk of developing health-related problems such as heart disease. The risk factor can be:

  • Environmental
  • Behavioral
  • Genetic
  • Physiological
  • Demographic

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Topic: Risk factor


Risk factor, controllable, person, health-related, behavior, situation, probability, uncontrollable, controllable, health, disability, variety, poor health, death.

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Hey There!

The poorest source of protein is kidney beans, so the answer would be C

Thank You!

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If you're meaning like to check if someone's respiratory system is working right you'd want to find a pulse. If you find there's no pulse you should start chest compressions and call 911 continuing to do chest compressions

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Answer:  app chicken tenders-5 chicken tender platter-7 kids tenders-3 fried shrimp platter-12 shrimp and flounder platter- 6 shrimp 2 flounder wings-10 (5 flats, 5 drums)

Explanation:  c:

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negative reinforcement

Final answer:

Alex's mother employs negative reinforcement; she ceases nagging him when he cleans his room. Negative reinforcement is the process of increasing a behavior (in this case, room cleaning), by removing an unfavorable event (the mother's nagging).


In the mentioned situation of Alex cleaning his room to stop his mother's nagging, Alex's mother is utilizing a technique referred to as negative reinforcement. In Psychology, negative reinforcement is a method that involves the removal of an unfavorable event or outcome after the display of a behavior, which in turn increases the likelihood of the behavior being repeated in the future. In this instance, the unpleasant event for Alex is his mother's nagging. Alex's mother ceases nagging him whenever he cleans his room which reinforces Alex's room cleaning behavior.

It's important to clarify that the word 'negative' in negative reinforcement does not imply something bad or harmful. Instead, it signifies the removal or reduction of an undesirable factor. Thus, negative reinforcement plays a crucial role in our daily decision-making processes, shaping our actions and behaviors.

Learn more about Negative Reinforcement here:


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the inevitable weight gain associated with getting older. When you get older you gain weight but you can also loose it my exersising.