Poetry can mean whatever the reader thinks it means, true or false?


Answer 1
Answer: True, because even though the writer of the poem has a specific meaning, you can still think of another meaning besides the one the author has made.

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B. Demonstrative
C. Proper
D. Common


The correct answer for this presented problem would be A. Article.

Articles are a kind of objective that gives more importance to the noun that it is used to describe and emphasize. As per this part of the sentence, there are currently 4 articles used. How much more when writing or delivering ordinary speeches, right? Articles are A and The, and sometimes An. Now, if the other options would outweigh articles, that would be impossible since articles are already an integral part of the English vocabulary to establish accuracy on both writing and speaking.

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b. The pursuit of one's rational self-interest is expected
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c. The pursuit of profit or wealth is wrong

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Which of these is an example of a metaphor?A She is a rose without a thorn.
B My love is like a red, red rose.
C The flames made darkness visible.
D The wind was awake and disturbed the lake.



A. She is a rose without a thorn.


Metaphors are figures of speech that assert that one element (person, animal, thing, quality, event, nature) is similar to another element. They are alike similes, but while similes use words such as "like" or "as" to compare, metaphors do not.  

Option A is an example of metaphor because it asserts that "she" is similar or equal to "a rose without a thorn", figuratively speaking.

A. she is a rose without a thorn

The attitude of the text about a subject is called


The attitude of a text about a subject is called tone.

Un literature, tone is understoo as the writer’s attitude toward the audience and the subject. Tone refers to the choices of words through which the attitude of a text is conveyed. Through tone, a writer conveys its viewpoints regarding a subject. A theme is involved in every written piece. The tone can be formal, informal, serious, comic, sarcastic, sad, or cheerful, or it may be any other existing attitude.

It's tone. Tone definition-the general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, situation, etc.

Identify the main clause in the sentence below. Then decide if the subordinate clause is used as noun, adjective, or adverb. The clams, which he ate, were still fresh.


The main clause in the sentence The clams, which he ate, were still fresh is The clams were still fresh.

The subordinate clause, that is which he ate, is used as an adjective, since it comes after the noun and motifies it. This type of clauses are usually introduced by words like that, when, where, which, etc. and separated by commas whenever it is a non-defining clause.

In the following sentence

The clams, which he ate, werestill fresh.

The main clause is:

The clams..., werestill fresh.

The subordinate clause is then "which he ate".

This clause gives more information about The clams, which means it has the function of an adjective: it's an adjective clause. 

Can someone read this short story and answer the question that comes after it?Read this excerpt from Little Brother and answer the following questions in complete sentences using proper grammar and punctuation:
Marcus manages to flag down a vehicle and they get more than they bargained for…

It was a military-looking Jeep, like an armored Hummer, only it didn't have any military insignia on it. The car skidded to a stop just in front of me, and I jumped back and lost my balance and ended up on the road. I felt the doors open near me, and then saw a confusion of booted feet moving close by. I looked up and saw a bunch of military-looking guys in coveralls, holding big, bulky rifles and wearing hooded gas masks with tinted face-plates.

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"Guys?" I shouted, and earned a hard thump on my head for my trouble. I heard Jolu respond, then felt the thump he was dealt, too. My head rang like a gong. "Hey," I said to the soldiers. "Hey, listen! We're just high school students. I wanted to flag you down because my friend was bleeding. Someone stabbed him." I had no idea how much of this was making it through the muffling bag. I kept talking. "Listen-this is some kind of misunderstanding. We've got to get my friend to a hospital-"

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Using examples from the text, explain Marcus' current stage of identity development. As a reminder, the different stages of identity development are:

Identity Diffusion occurs when an adolescent does not make a commitment to any particular roles, values, or goals.
Identity Foreclosure occurs when someone makes a commitment without considering other possibilities.
Identity Moratorium occurs when an individual is in the midst of a crisis over a particular role or value and tries out alternatives in order to make a commitment.
Identity Achievement occurs when someone makes a personal decision or commitment after going through a crisis and exploring his or her options.


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