Which of the following contains an adverb


Answer 1
Answer: An adverb describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb and answers the questions how, how often, when, and where.

How did the frog jumped into the frigid water? Suddenly.

The word "suddenly" describes the verb "jumped" by answering the question "how?". 

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the correct answer is C to help readers grow spiritually.


just took the test so yeah thats the answer.

I am pretty sure that the second option represented above is most suitable for this question. So, according to Milton's  viewpoint  the purpose of poetry is  to spread knowledge, especially this purpose is being revealed in his famous work ''Paradise Lost'' in which he shows readers his will to express glory to God. Do hope it will help you in your homework.

In "Nethergrave," every year on his birthday, Jeremy's father gives him a ___.


In the book, "Nethergrave", Jeremy is given a photograph with a note to do his own homework every year on his birthday from his father. 


A photograph.


The short story "Nethergrave" by Gloria Skurzynski is a science fictional story of how science and technology has taken over the real world and how influential it has become in modern generation.

The character of Jeremy is the protagonist. Told from an omniscient third person narrative point of view, the narrator is not part of the story but tells us the whole story. It tells how Jeremy was treated by his friends in school, how he was unable to make friends and how he turned to a virtual online game to interact. Every year for his birthday, his father would give him a photograph along with a note telling him to do his homework.

School starts in august sentence or fragment


It looks and sounds like a sentence to me
I can be a sentence. School starts in August. Then depending on what level your writing skills are.  You would right a sentence better formatted. For example, The school that I go to, the start date is in August. 
So yes it is a sentence, but a sentence that 1st graders would write.I hope this helps. =)

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B. To outline the particulars of freedom of speech.
C.To illustrate how democracy is better than a monarchy
D. To explain the appeals process


The primary goal of the Constitution as stated in the Preamble is: (A) to give the country uphold liberty.

The last part of the Preamble reads, "...and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Prosperity..."


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Answer: for this reason strict rules must be put into place to protect young players from experiencing serious or lasting damage as a result of concussions.

Answer: For this reason strict rules must be put into pace to protect young players from experiencing serious or lasting damage as a result of concussion s.


Read this excerpt from The Great Fire. Schaffer's first signal went out at 9:30. Several minutes later, Schaffer realized his mistake and ordered Box 319 struck. This was still seven blocks away from the O'Learys', but close enough that firefighters could see the flames and alter their course. Unfortunately, Schaffer's young assistant, William J. Brown, stubbornly refused to strike Box 319, saying he was afraid it would confuse the situation. Which statement best describes the effect of Brown’s refusal to strike Box 319?

The engines went directly to De Koven Street.
Schaffer took it upon himself to send out the correct signal.
The engines were sent to an incorrect location.
Schaffer found another way to redirect the engines.



its c


i took the quiz


