Why were political pamphlets published without the author's name?A. Mentioning the author was irrelevant to the public
B. The author could be found as a traitor because of the nature of the content
C. To add to the element of surprise when the author was discovered
D. To ensure the author was allowed to live a private life


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is B. the author could be found as a traitor because of the nature of the content. Political pamphlets often dealt with issues and topics that went against the current government. As such, anyone who disagrees and possibly incites rebellion would be viewed as a traitor and therefore would publish anonymously to keep their head.

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Why is the delta region to the north called lower Egypt


Northern and Southern Egypt significantly differs in altitude by means of the sea level. Therefore, Nile flows from South to North. Additionally, In Egyptian history, the direction of Nile was always important and "up" and "down" were preferred over “north”, “south”, “east” and “west”.

Final answer:

The delta region of the north is called 'Lower Egypt' because it's closest to the Mediterranean Sea, where the River Nile flows towards and ends. It's 'lower' in terms of the flow of the Nile, not elevation.


The names 'Lower Egypt' and 'Upper Egypt' are derived from the flow of the River Nile which flows from south to north. The term 'Lower' refers to the region closest to the Mediterranean Sea where the Nile delta is located and has nothing to do with any kind of higher or lower elevation. Conversely, 'Upper Egypt' is the southern region of Egypt which is more elevated in terms of the river's flow but further from the sea. This is why the delta region to the north is called 'Lower Egypt'.

Learn more about Lower Egypt here:



5. which literary device dose the following passage employ? "There ain't a foot o'ground she don't know her way over, and the wild creaturs counts her one o"There ain't a foot o'ground she don't know her way over, and the wild creaturs counts her one o' themselves. Squer'ls shee'll teme to come an' feed right out o' her hands, and all sorts o' birds. Last winter she got the jaybirds to bangeing here, and I believe she'd 'a' scantted herself to her own meals to have plenty to throw out amongst 'em, if I had n't kep' watch" A) assonance B) foreshadowing C) symbolism D) dialect


This passage employs D) dialect. It is a specific way of talking in certain regions of a country. 

11 is what percent of 97?


11 is 11.34% of 97

Divide 11 over 97:
(11)/(97) = 0.1134

Convert the decimal to a percentage:
0.1134 * 100 = 11.34
divide 11 by 97
11/97=0.1134 multiply it by 100
0.1134 x 100=11.34%

Idioms are usually distinctive words or phrases used consistently in all parts of the country. a. True
b. False





Idioms are phrases or expressions that, most commonly, possess a figurative meaning (that is to say, its meaning is not literal). A good example is “break a leg”, a phrase that is said to an actor before performing on stage, and it means: good luck.  

Although many idioms are quite popular and used consistently within a whole country, there are others than are more localized and used only in certain regions, which means that an idiom may not necessarily be understood by everyone, but rather only by those who are familiarized with it because of their geographical location.  

B. False

Idioms are words that mean something, but not literally.
It's raining cats and dogs is a popular idiom.
     The reason it is false is because idioms are usually only popular in the place of their creation.

A historian uses the comparative method to _____.


look at similarities and differences across cultures

well the only thing that they, the historian, could be comparing anything to would be the common things and different things between different cultures.




i say part C
