An incandescent light bulb produces light when electrons flow through thea. air.
b. glass.
c. filament.
d. vacuum.


Answer 1
Answer: Electriccurrent passes through a filament of an incandescent bulb, thereby increasingit temperature. When current flows, it contains electrons through the filamentto produce light. The answer is c. Typically, incandescent light bulb consistsof a glass enclosure that contains tungsten filament. The glass enclosure containseither a vacuum or an inert gas that serves as the filament protection fromevaporating. Incandescent light bulbs contain a stem attached at to its base toallow the electrical contacts to run through the envelope without gas or airleaks
Answer 2



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Energy is transferred by the process of convection from the hot water at the bottom of the tank to the cooler water at the top. Explain how


When hot water comes in contact with cold water , the hot water from the bottom of the vessel is hot and so reduces its density. So low density ware goes up and cold water from side or above replaces the space. This is how Energy is transferred by the process of convection from the hot water at the bottom of the tank to the cooler water at the top.

What is convection?

The process of heat transfer from one part of a fluid to another part by the actual movement of the particles of the fluid is called convection. Liquid and gases are heated by the process of convection.

When hot water comes in contact with cold water , the hot water from the bottom of the vessel is hot and so reduces its density. So low density ware goes up and cold water from side or above replaces the space. This is how Energy is transferred by the process of convection from the hot water at the bottom of the tank to the cooler water at the top.

learn more about convection


The transfer of energy means, in convention process, transport of matter. In this case, hot water has lower density than cool water. The water with less density ascends and leaves gaps that are occupied with cooler water "packages".

Ilya and Anya each can run at a speed of 8.90mph and walk at a speed of 3.80mph . They set off together on a route of length 5.00miles. Anya walks half of the distance and runs the other half, while Ilya walks half of the time and runs the other half.a)How long does it take Anya to cover the distance of 5.00miles ?
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Express the time tIlya taken by Ilya numerically, in minutes.
d)Now find Ilya's average speed.
Express Ilya's average speed save,Ilya numerically, in miles per hour



Part a)

T = 0.94 hours

Part b)

v_(avg) = 5.32 mph

Part c)

T = 0.79 h

Part d)

v_(avg) = 6.35 mph


Speed while she is running = 8.90 mph

speed while she walk = 3.80 mph

Part a)

Anya walks half the distance

so time to walk

t_1 = (2.5)/(3.80) = 0.66 h

time to cover the distance while she run

t_2 = (2.5)/(8.90) = 0.28 h

total time to cover the distance

T = t_1 + t_2

T = 0.94 hours

Part b)

Average speed is given as

v_(avg) = (d)/(t)

v_(avg) = (5.00 miles)/(0.94)

v_(avg) = 5.32 mph

Part c)

Half the time Llya walks and next half the time she runs

so total distance is given as

d = v_1(T/2) + v_2(T/2)

so we have

5.00 = 8.90(T/2) + 3.80(T/2)

T = 0.79 h

Part d)

Average speed is given as

v_(avg) = (d)/(t)

v_(avg) = (5.00 miles)/(0.79)

v_(avg) = 6.35 mph

Powerful eruptions on the sun’s surface are called ________. a. sunspots
b. solar flares
c. coronas
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The answer is solar flare ; an eruption of high - energy radiation from the sun.

Answer: Solar Flares


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Covalent and Ionic

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Answer: False

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