What do food webs help us understand?a. population effects of growth
b. ecological effects of energy
c. ecological effects of extinction or species introduction
d. species relocation


Answer 1
Answer: Food webs help us understand the ecological effects of extinction or species introduction - C. This is also the correct answer because when we introduce a new species in a certain environment, we're effectively changing this environment and changing the food web as well. For that reason, we create an ecological effect when it comes to the extinction of one species for example. 

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B.germinating seeds of a monocot and a dicot respectively

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The diagram depicts the germinating seeds of a monocot and dicot respectively. The correct option is B. Plants that have only one cotyledon are called monocots ['mono' means one]. The structures usually find in germinating seeds of monocots are cotyledon, primary leave and hypocotyls while that of the dicot ['di' means two] plants are coleoptile, primary leave, primary root and especially two cotyledons.

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Hope this helped. :3

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P(sapphire wins) = .22
P(sapphire loses) = 1-.22 = .78
P( emerald wins) = .47
P( emerald loses) = 1- .47 = .53
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Which multiplied by 100 means 41.34%. 
I hope that this is the answer that you were looking for and it has helped you.

America: Love it or leave it!The flawed logic in this statement is an example of

A. slippery slope
B. hasty generalization
C. post hoc
D. false dichotomy


I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option D. The flawed logic in this statement is an example of a false dichotomy. It is also referred to as false dilemma which involves having two opposite views  in such a way that they seem to be the only possibilities.


D. false dichotomy


Just took the test and this is the correct answer

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