Fertilization of the human egg cell usually occurs in thea. uterus.
b. vagina.
c. fallopian tube.
d. ovary.


Answer 1
Answer: The uterus- the ovaries are where the eggs are formed and are transported to the uterus by the fallopian tubes.
Answer 2

Final answer:

Fertilization in humans, which is the union of an egg and a sperm, mostly occurs in the fallopian tube. The egg, after being released from the ovary during ovulation, travels down the fallopian tube where fertilization by a sperm can occur.


The fertilization of the human egg typically occurs in the fallopian tube, which is option c. This process is part of the reproductive cycle where the egg, released from the ovary during ovulation, travels down the fallopian tube. At the same time, sperm, after ejaculation, travels from the vagina through the uterus to meet the egg in the fallopian tube. If a sperm successfully penetrates the egg, fertilization occurs, resulting in a zygote which will eventually travel to the uterus for implantation. Hence, the fertilization site is typically the fallopian tube, not the uterus, vagina, or ovary.

Learn more about Human Reproduction here:



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This is true

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Hi There! :)

The human genome project enables researchers to pinpoint diseas causing genes and possibly prevent or treat them?
