Medicines are a good way to treat 6 issues because __________.a. prescription medicines don't cause addiction
b. they can provide relief from mild to serious symptoms
c. most have no side effects
d. prescription versions can be purchased at any store


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is letter B.

Medicines provide relief from mild to serious symptoms in the body. It is known to have been used for generations through history. Medicines nowadays vary in their potency based on the disease that they are treating or relieving. Most common diseases that use medicines for relieving symptoms are common colds and flu. Medicines prescribed for these diseases tend to relieve uncomfortable feelings and the further spread of viral infections to other individuals.
Answer 2


a. is not true, some prescription medications are addictive.  Oxycodone and other pain killers are addicting and they are prescription

b. They can provide relief from mild to serious symptoms is true

c. is not true, listen to any commercial for a prescription medication and listen for the side affect.  They are sometimes worse than the diseases.

d. Not true.  Prescription means that you must have a prescription from your Dr. and that prescription must be filled by a licensed pharmacist.

So B. is the best answer!


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Should provide no more than 30% of your total calorie intake.


Fats should not make up for more than 30%


Fat should provide no more than 30 percent of your total calorie intake.

Hope this helps you!

Have a great day! :))))

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The child is not voiding.

Which disorder is more common in males than females, and shows up in social behaviors such as lying, theft, violence, aggression, and vandalism? anxiety disorder -anxiety disorder -bipolar disorder -conduct disorder -NextReset


That would be conduct disorder

Conduct disorder is a serious behavioral and emotional disorder in which one could display a disruptive and violent behavior which cause difficulty in following rules

It's commonly found in male teenagers

conduct disorder would be the answer

. Which of the following describes why consuming large amounts of vitamin A is more dangerous thanconsuming large amounts of vitamin C?
A. Vitamin C serves no real purpose in the body.
B. Vitamin A is more likely to be stored in the blood.
C. Unused vitamin A is stored in the fat cells of the body; therefore, it builds up over time.
D. Vitamin A is harsher on the stomach than vitamin C.


The correct answer for this one is this: "C. Unused vitamin A is stored in the fat cells of the body; therefore, it builds up over time." Consuming large amounts of vitamin A is more dangerous than consuming large amounts of vitamin C because unused vitamin A is stored in the fat cells of the body; therefore, it builds up over time.

The sky is cloudy. It ______________ rain today. (must/may)


May is most likely your awnser because must is saying well it must but may sounds more proper so I believe the awnser is may so the sentence would be “The sky is cloudy. It may rain today”

What causes chronic strains?A -- dehydration
B -- improper lifting
C -- sudden injury
D -- repetitive motion


Twisting or pulling a muscle or tendon can result in a strain. It can also be caused by a single instance of improper lifting or by over stressing the back muscles. A chronic strain usually results from overuse involving prolonged, repetitive movement of the muscles and tendons. In addition, there are several factors that put a person at greater risk for a back strain or sprain, including excessively curving the lower back, being overweight, having weak back or abdominal muscles, and tight hamstrings (muscles in the back of the thighs). Playing sports that involve pushing and pulling—such as weightlifting and football—also increases the risk of a low-back injury. Chronic strains happen slowly over time from prolonged, repetitive overuse of muscles. Chronic strains develop from using the same muscle groups in the same pattern, causing even small stresses to build on one another. Causes of chronic strain include:

Improper body mechanics or using the wrong muscle groups for a task, such as repeatedly lifting heavy objects using your back instead of your legs

Improper sports mechanics or techniques, such as habitually gripping a tennis racket too tightly or an incorrect golf swing

Participation in the same exercises in the same way, day after day

Poor posture

Use of the wrong equipment, such as running shoes without the proper support for your foot type

A chronic strain results from prolonged, repetitive movement of a muscle.

This may occur on the job or during sports, such as:GymnasticsTennisRowingGolf