How do you do this problem?
how do you do this problem? - 1


Answer 1
Answer: The pythagorean theorem states that a² + b² = c². 
We have a = 10 and c = 20. 
100 + b² = 400 
Subtract 100 from each side. 
b² = 300 
Get the square root of 300. 
It could be expressed as b ≈ 17.321, or could stay in radical form as√(300)
Hope this helps!

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How to solve?
(x - 3) = 10



x = 13

Step-by-step explanation:

Add 3 to both sides

x = 13

add 3 to both sides, so x = 13

How to do this !!???


Hopefully this helps, the app I used is called Photomath

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Assuming I have correctly interpreted your question,
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Round 425 to the nearest ten and to nearest hundred 430; 400

420; 500

430; 500

420; 400




Step-by-step explanation:

So tenth is the 2.. 5 makes it go to 3 430

hundred we look to change 4 so we look at tenths 2 is less than 5 so it stays the same 400