In a cathode ray tube, the number of electrons that reach the fluorescent screen is controlled by the A. cathode.
B. grid.
C. anode.
D. deflecting plate.


Answer 1
Answer: In a cathode ray tube, the number of electrons that reach the fluorescent screen is controlled by the grid. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "B".When current issupplied to the heater, it causes the cathode to emit electrons. The electronspass through opening of the grid before reaching the anode. By controlling thenumber of electrons passing through the grid, the number of electrons reachingthe anode can also be controlled. 
Answer 2

Answer: B. GRID


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Which statement describes the kinetic energy and total mechanical energy of a block as it is pulled atconstant speed up an incline?
(1) Kinetic energy decreases and total mechanical energy increases.
(2) Kinetic energy decreases and total mechanical energy remains the same.
(3) Kinetic energy remains the same and total mechanical energy increases.
(4) Kinetic energy remains the same and total mechanical energy remains the same.


Taking into account the definition of kinetic, potencial and mechanical energy, kinetic energy decreases and total mechanical energy remains the same.

Kinetic energy

Kinetic energy is a form of energy. It is defined as the energy associated with bodies that are in motion and this energy depends on the mass and speed of the body.

Kinetic energy is defined as the amount of work necessary to accelerate a body of a given mass and at rest, until it reaches a given speed. Once this point is reached, the amount of accumulated kinetic energy will remain the same unless there is a change in speed or the body returns to its state of rest by applying a force.

Potential energy

On the other hand, potential energy is the energy that measures the ability of a system to perform work based on its position. In other words, this is the energy that a body has at a certain height above the ground.

Gravitational potential energy is the energy associated with the gravitational force. This will depend on the relative height of an object to some reference point, the mass, and the force of gravity.

Mechanical energy

Finally, mechanical energy is that which a body or a system obtains as a result of the speed of its movement or its specific position, and which is capable of producing mechanical work. Then:

Potential energy + kinetic energy = total mechanical energy

Principle of conservation of mechanical energy

The principle of conservation of mechanical energy indicates that the mechanical energy of a body remains constant when all the forces acting on it are conservative (a force is conservative when the work it does on a body depends only on the initial and final points and not the path taken to get from one to the other.)

Therefore, if the potential energy decreases, the kinetic energy will increase. In the same way, if the kinetics decreases, the potential energy will increase.

This case

The principle of conservation of mechanical energy can be applied in this case. When a block is pulled at constant speed up an incline, the potential energy increases because it increases the height.

Then, if by the principle mentioned above, the total mechanical energy remains the same, the kinetic energy decreases.

In summary, the correct answer is option (2)Kinetic energy decreases and total mechanical energy remains the same.

Learn more about mechanical energy:


(2) Kinetic energy remains the same and total mechanical energy increases.  


A body has kinetic energy due to its speed. A body has potential energy due its position or configuration. The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy is known as mechanical energy.

As the block is pulled up at constant speed, the kinetic energy remains the same. With increase in the height, the potential energy of the body increases. Thus, due to increase in potential energy, there is increase in the total mechanical energy.

What energy transfers happen when you cook sausages on a camp fire burning wood?


heat energy, because of the fire burning the wood and the sausages.

State two examples for each of the four states of matter



1. Solid- rock, shoe

2. Liquid- water, dish soap

3. Gas- oxygen, carbon dioxide

4. Plasma- lightning, stars

Energy is _______ when it's moved from one object to another.a. conducted
b. transferred
c. lost
d. created


Energy is (transferred) when it is moved from one obect to another.

The answer is (b)
Energy is transferred when it's moved from one object to another.

That is because energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only conducted. 

The conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen by plants is called _____. A. polysynthesis B. photosynthesis C. amino-acid synthesis D. amino-acid production


The conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen by plants is called photosynthesis.
The answer would be B, photosynthesis. 
Using the process of elimination, the answer is easy to find.

Polysynthesis - The act or process of combining many separate elements into a whole (Free Dictionary)

Amino-acid Synthesis - No definition, but this is clearly not the answer as amino acid has nothing to do with carbon dioxide or oxygen.

Amino-acid Production - This doesn't work for the same reason as the last one. Amino acid is irrelevant.

Therefore, the answer is photosynthesis.

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states that we cannot simultaneously measure both the position and momentum of an object better than a certain accuracy. This limitation is not a consequence of imperfect technology, but is a fundamental law. It applies to all objects -- photons, electrons, baseballs, etc.. A highly monochromatic, continuous beam of laser light of wavelength 470 nm passes through an electro-optic shutter. The shutter opens and closes in a time interval of Δt = 90 ps . After passing through the shutter to what uncertainty, Δx, have the photons been localized?


For this specific problem, the photons have been localized toDx = 0.027muncertainty. I am hoping that this answer has satisfied yourquery about and it will be able to help you, and if you’d like, feel free toask another question.