In the poem the Road not taken, according to lines 9-12, which road was more worn?


Answer 1
Answer: (I haven't read that poem in a long time, but I think I remember part of it.)The road that was more worn was the one with the path cut through it, and the grass was dead.

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B. Gregor's father sells all of their furniture.
C. The family moves to a smaller apartment.
D. Grete sells her violin.



Gregor's mother takes in sewing projects is one way the family earns money after Gregor is changed into a bug


mother takes in sewing prodjects

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The contraceptive method that a female cannot use is vasectomy. That is a surgical procedure for male sterilization only, or permanent contraception. The male vas deferens is severed and then tied to prevent fertilization. 

How did women gaining the right to vote change the portrayal of male and female dynamics in literature? It allowed women to enter into politics, which was often reflected in literary plots. It gave women more power in society and politics, but in literature men remained more powerful. It gave women more power than they previously had, which was portrayed in literary characterizations of women. It allowed women to hold important offices at the state and national level, which they were barred from before gaining the right to vote.


The correct answer is C - "It gave women more power than they previously had, which was portrayed in literary characterizations of women."

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The first one. The second one could be interpreted as a fact. People might actually come from all over Greece to see her creations. I didn't understand number three. But the first one is coming from her mouth as she says she is capable of greater things than the gods. The first is her saying i'm better than everyone. I vote for the first one.

Read the dictionary entry. designate /de-ziɡ-ˌnāt/ verb
to give someone a role or purpose to give someone a name or title to be used as a name for designate
/de-ziɡ-nət/ adjective
appointed to an office but not yet installed
Which sentence uses designate as an adjective?
A. Mrs. Jones designated Julia as the Financial Officer of the student council.
B. The name "student council" designates the president, vice president, financial officer, and secretary.
C. The student council was designated the leadership group responsible for organizing events and solving issues.
D. By the end of the day, the junior class hoped to have a Student Council President designate to announce to the school.


The sentence that uses "designate" as an adjective is:

D. By the end of the day, the junior class hoped to have a Student Council President designate to announce to the school.

In this sentence, "designate" is used as an adjective to describe the status of the person who will become the Student Council President but has not yet been installed in that role.
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