Density equals:


Answer 1
Answer: Density can be determined by themass of an object and how much it takes up space (volume).  Or density is equal to mass over volume. It is represented bythe formula D = M/V where D is the density in kg/m^3 or lb/ft^3, M is the massin kg or lb and V is the volume in m^3 or ft^3. 

For example, you are given the mass of anobject of 40.5kg and a volume of 15m^3. Find its density.

D = M/V
D = (40.5 kg)/ (15 m^3)
D = 27/10 or2.7 kg/m^3 
Answer 2

What taskmasters is bassically saying is Density is Mass Divided by Volume.

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Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone.
Vectors are quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction.

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Hey there! 

Answer: Glaciers

Water near the poles would most likely be stored as glaciers. Glaciers are slow moving rivers that are a buildup of ice and snow. 

Thank you!

The force of air particles over an area is?



Air pressure


  • Pressure is the force that is applied over a unit of area. Air pressure is the weight of air molecules pressing down on the Earth. It is the force exerted by air particles on the earth's surface.
  • The column of air extends to the top of the atmosphere.  As one move up increasing the altitude, the air pressure decreases since the air column is reduced.
That's the "air pressure" everywhere on that area.

The velocity of the source is positive if the source is ______________. Note that this equation may not use the sign convention you are accustomed to. Think about the physical situation before answering.a. traveling in the +x direction
b. traveling toward the listener
c. traveling away from the listener


Answer: Answer is "B"


A physical situation of this question can be conceived as follows: If a siren is blowing through a certain distance in motion, then the listener find out that the velocity of the sound wave increases as the source of the siren is approaching the listener. The listener hear the maximum sound frequency and velocity of the source as it reaches him. However, the source velocity decreases as the siten moves away from the listener which can be said to be negative. Therefore, the correct answer is that the velocity increases as the source is moving towards the listener which is option "B"

Final answer:

In Physics, a positive velocity of a source usually indicates that the source is moving towards the observer or listener. This is based on the principles of the Doppler effect. The sign convention can change depending on the reference system


In the realm of Physics, particularly in the study of waves and sound, when we say that the velocity of the source is positive, it generally means that the source is traveling towards the listener. This is in line with the convention in Doppler effect, a phenomenon observed whenever the source of waves is moving with respect to the observer. Given this, the correct answer to your question would be (b) traveling toward the listener.

However, be mindful that the sign convention may vary depending on the context or the reference system being used. Still, the major principle remains: the perceived frequency is higher if the source is moving towards the observer, associated with a positive velocity; and lower if it's moving away, associated with a negative velocity.

Learn more about Velocity and Direction here:


The majority of visible stars are _____ stars.a. neutron
b. red giant
c. white dwarf
d. main sequence



The correct answer is D. The majority of visible stars are main sequence stars.


The Main Sequence in a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is a curve along which most stars are. A star in the main series is called a Main Sequence star.

The sun is an example of a main series star: it has been there for about 4.5 billion years and will continue so for another about 4.5 billion years. After the hydrogen in the core of the sun has been consumed, it will begin to burn helium, swell and become a red giant star.

The majority of visible stars are neutron stars. The answer is letter A. The rest of the choices do not answer the question above.

How can we run out of energy if energy cannot be created or destroyed?


Excellent question !
When people say "run out of energy", what they really mean is: run out of the easiest substances to get energy FROM ... coal, oil, and wood.
you don't run out of energy, you run out of USABLE energy. That may or may not happen, if humans somehow manage to become a type two civilization, it's almost never happening, because if a civilization becomes type two, they can harvest all of the energy produced by their sun. And if the human civilization becomes a type two, they're going to become type 3 well before the sun runs out of gases. If we become a type 3, we can use all energy from every part of the universe.