Use an indirect-object pronoun (in Spanish) in a sentence about each icon of American culture


Answer 1
Answer: Since I don't know what icons you were supposed to use, I will choos my own: 

Barbie doll and Hollywood. 

Le dieron una muñeca Barbie a mi hija 

- they gave Barbie to my daughter (le is the idirect object pronoun and it means " to her". 

A mi hijo no le gustan las películas de Hollywood

- my son doesn't like Hollywood movies (le here means "to my son" - to my son the movies are not pleasing. 

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How do I conjugate correr by tu, usted, Nosotros , ellos/ellas

1. Which one of the following is not a person? A. Un servidor B. Un rey C. Una reina D. Un arbol 2. Which of the following is the best response to "¿Cómo se siente?" A. Me siento bien. B. ¡Gracias! C. Hasta luego. D. Mañana volveré. 3. Choose the correct definition for bosque. A. shrubbery B. tree C. forest D. stream 4. Translate the phrase: Who likes to sing? A. ¿Les gusta cantar? B. ¿Le gustaba llorar? C. ¿A quién le gusta cantar? D. ¿A quién no le gusta cantar? 5. Which one of the following items can you not eat or drink? A. Un lápiz B. Los dulces C. Una manzana D. Una limonada 6. Choose the correct definition for drum. A. gato B. duque C. perro D. tambor 7. Choose the correct definition for dulce. A. bear B. sweet C. sour D. honey 8. Choose the correct Spanish translation for: To sing pleases him. A. Les gusta la reina B. Le gusta cantar C. Le gusta llorar D. Le gustaba cantar 9. Choose the correct translation of this Spanish phrase: La reina canta mejor que el rey. A. The queen sings better than the king. B. The queen sings worse than the king. C. The king sings better than the queen. D. The king sings worse than the queen. 10. Which of the following choices is not an option to complete this sentence? The friend goes to the _______ and buys a kilo of candies. A. mercado B. comedor C. vendedor D. entonces 11. Complete this statement: Catorce divided by siete equals A. seis. B. dos. C. cuatro. D. tres. 12. You're going to leave, but you're coming back tomorrow. What would you say? A. Ven conmigo mañana. B. Me siento muy bien. C. Pues todo anda bien. D. Mañana volveré. 13. Quince divided by cinco = _______. A. siete B. tres C. trece D. nueve 14. Translate this sentence into Spanish: "He likes to sing." A. Les gusta cantar. B. Le gusta cantar. C. Le gusta tocar. D. Le gusta llorar. 15. Choose the best word to complete this sentence. Maria _______ al mercado. A. dulce B. otra C. prueba D. compra 16. Translate this Spanish phrase into English: El toca peor que la reina. A. He sings better than the queen. B. He plays worse than the queen. C. He plays better than the queen. D. He sings worse than the queen. 17. Choose the correct English translation of this Spanish phrase: No le gusta llorar. A. She likes to sing. B. She likes to cry. C. They do not like to cry. D. She does not like to cry. 18. Choose the correct definition for dieciocho. A. 19 B. 16 C. 28 D. 18 19. Trece – siete = _______. A. cinco B. once C. dos End of exam D. seis 20. Which of the following is a person? A. servidor B. nariz C. chimenea D. árbol


1- D
2- A
3- C
4- C
5- A
6- D
7- B
8- B
9- A
10- D
11- ?
12- D
13- B
14- B
15- D
16- B
17- D
18- D
19- D
20- A
there u go hope it helps :D

(the only answer not added by the person above)

11. Complete this statement: Catorce divided by siete equals

B. dos.

Which word best completes the following question?que dia _____ hoy?
a. soy
b. eres
c. es
d. somos

which word best completes the response to the following question?
de donde eres _____ de colombia
a. soy
b. eres
c. sois
d. son

which word best completes the following statement?
ellos _____ catolicos
a. soy
b. eres
c. es
d. son

which of the following cuts of meat can be typically found at un asado but not at a barbecue?
a. chuck
b. sirloin
c. ribs
d. blade steak





4)Blade steak

5)(if you need it) D. people of all ages and income levels...

Which word best completes the following question?
que dia _____ hoy? 
c. es

The choice is easy because we need to find a verb that works with "hoy" and that is "es" = we need a third person singular. The other forms are all not third person singular. 

which word best completes the response to the following question?
de donde eres _____ de colombia 
a. soy

Hewe we need a first person singular - it is an answer to the question of "eres" = so the person wil answer "I am " - soy

which word best completes the following statement?
ellos _____ catolicos
d. son 

Here we need "they are" - so "son" . they are catholic. 

which of the following cuts of meat can be typically found at un asado but not at a barbecue?
b. sirloin 

The meet known for Asado is Sirloin - a steack cut from the back of the animal . Especially ribs are well known barbecue meat!

After looking through the sentence comparison examples, what do you think the guidelines are that tell you when to use the different forms of "you?"Write down your thoughts about this grammar principle. Specifically, write down a "rule" that you think Spanish uses to explain the difference between tú and usted.

Then check out the grammar pattern in the next link to see if your hunch was correct.


“Usted” is generally more formal, while “tú” is a more formal use of the Word you. You would use usted when referring to teachers, people of authority, and your elders, while tú is more appropriate for friends and family members.

I think tú form ends in an s when you use it, such as “tú hablas”, meaning you talk. It seems like the usted form just ends in the vowel of that verb, like in the 3rd person, for example “usted habla”

The difference between the different forms of "you" in Spanish is that one is used in informal conversations and the other in formal conversations.

Use of pronouns "usted" and "."

Although in English there is only one pronoun that translates these two, in Spanish one or the other is used depending on the type of conversation that you want to carry out.

The pronoun "usted" is used in formal situations, that means occasions such as referring to superiors, in age or rank, as well as when attending formal events. Below are some examples with their conjugated verb:

  • ¿Cómo se encuentra el día de hoy?
  • Ustedluce bien.

For its part, the pronoun "" is used in informal conversations, that is, when dealing with friends, family or trusted people, some examples of this are:

  • eres mi mejor amigo.
  • ¿Quieres salir esta noche?

Its usefulness must be taken into account because sometimes you can offend another person by speaking with the pronoun "" without having the confidence to do so.

If you want to learn more about Spanish, you can visit the following link:

How would you say "i am going to a rodeo" in Spanish?a. voy a una jineteada
b. vas a la jineteada
c. va a la jineteada
d. van a la gaucha


You would say A. Voy a una jineteada. 
If you want to say I am going, that is (Yo) voy in Spanish.
Vas is used for -you, va for -he/she/it, van for -they. 

1. En Los Angeles hay comida de países latinoamericanos y de España. a. cierto b. falso 2. Leticia explica que la tortilla del taco americano es blanda y la del taco mexicano es dura. a. cierto b. falso 3. Las ventas de salsa son bajas en los Estados Unidos. a. cierto b. falso 4. Leticia fue a un restaurante ecuatoriano. a. cierto b. falso


The correct option about each statement in Spanish is:

  1. a. cierto
  2. b. falso
  3. b. falso
  4. b. falso

Flash Cultura video.

The video on this occasion is presented by Leticia, who visits Peru and mentions different aspects of Peruvian, Mexican and North American gastronomy, she first mentions that in Los Angeles there are all kinds of restaurants, including from Latin American and Spanish countries.

Leticia says that sales of sauces in the United States regularly increase between 2% and 4% year after year, which is why their sales are usually high.

Leticia visits a restaurant in Peru and takes the opportunity to drink a brand of soft drink that is only found in that country.

If you want to learn more about Flash Cultura in Spanish, you can visit the following link:


1. Cierto, 2. Falso, 3. Falso, 4. Falso.


1. Cierto (True). There is big community formed by people different Latin American countries and Spain in Los Angeles. 2. Falso (False). There are hard and soft tortillas in different Mexican regions. 3. Falso (False). For instance, sales of mexican sauces reached US$ 653 million in 2015 and kept growing. 4. Falso (False). If she spoke of tacos, she had no reason to visit an Ecuadorian restaurant, as tacos does not belong to Ecuadorian food.

Question 1 Change this verb from the present tense to the preterite tense.

Yo hablo

Answer for Blank 1:
Question 2

Change this verb from the present tense to the preterite tense.

T˙ estudias

Answer for Blank 1:
Question 3

Change this verb from the present tense to the preterite tense.

Usted manda

Answer for Blank 1:
Question 4

Change this verb from the present tense to the preterite tense.

Ra˙l estudia


Yo hablo : Yo hablé

Tú estudias: Tú estudiaste

Usted manda: Usted mandó

Raúl estudia: Raúl estudió 

good luck :) 
saludos jajajjaja