What happens after the raven flies into the speaker’s room in “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe? Arrange the events in the correct order.1.the speaker imagines that angels have arrived and spread perfume in the room
2.the speaker watches as the raven flies in and perches on the bust of Palles
3.the speaker is amused by the royal appearance of the bird and asks the bird its name
4.the speaker feels like his soul is trapped in the raven's shadow
5.the speaker asks the raven if he'll ever get over the misery of losing his love Lenore
6.the speaker gets angry at the raven and shouts at it to fly away
7.the speaker wants to know if he'll ever meet Lenore in heaven


Answer 1
Answer: 2,3,1,5,7,6,4 I am pretty sure.

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1. **Initial Authoritarianism**: At the beginning of the story, Travis is portrayed as authoritarian and militaristic. He insists on strict adherence to the rules of time travel and threatens severe consequences for any deviation. He emphasizes the importance of not altering the past.

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4. **Symbol of the Butterfly Effect**: Travis's character transformation serves as a symbol of the butterfly effect itself, where small actions in the past can have profound and unintended consequences in the future. His initial authoritarianism gives way to a deeper understanding of the fragility of time and the far-reaching impact of seemingly insignificant events.

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b. Next year I'll ride the new roller coaster and the log flume.
c. My little brother and I sat together during the ride.
d. The roller coaster was fun, but I was a little scared at first.


Letter D. is a compound sentence. If you took out the but and the comma, try reading it. Remember, a compound sentence is made up up of two sentences, commonly put together by a comma and the words and and but.
the letter D but did you changed anything ????

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'If someone wants to smoke and get ill, that's his or her choice.'
'I think there should be special places where people can smoke if they want to.'
'Smoking is a terrible habit which causes many social problems and can even kill you — it should be banned!'
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The comments above may give you some ideas but you are free to use any ideas of your own.


Talk about how hateful smoking is for you and people around you. You should be very detailed and specific! There's your outline and good luck on your project! I hope I helped and message me if you need anything else!

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The "H" stands for


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