PLEASE HELP!!!!! :)I need help writing and fixing my article. This is my article:

Upon arriving at the giant red tent that hosted this marvelous event the boys were hit first by the potent smell of hot dogs and popcorn. Finding their seats in the bleachers, the two boys devoured bags of cotton candy as they waited for the show to start. The dark smothered the boys and their parents like a piercing night. They were all sitting there for close to a half an hour before the show began. Finally the ringleader came out and introduced himself as The Great Barlow. There were many cheers from the crowd as the show finally began. Three dancing clowns appeared from backstage and began juggling bowling pins as they rode around on unicycles. The crowd went wild with laughter as one of them pretended to fall off with a comical yelp. Dan though gave a small yelp of fear to his brother Christopher as he saw the mixture of drooping frowns and grotesquely large smiles. Dan’s mom gave him a reassuring smile saying, “It’s alright Dan. All it is is makeup.” But not even his mother's reassurance quieted his fears. He breathed a deep sigh of relief as they left the arena.
After many acts of tightrope walkers and acrobats the ring leader appeared again and said that they were all in for a special treat because it’s not every day that people got to see the Magnificent Frederick the Fire Breather. A tall lean man came out to center ring holding nothing but a match in his hand and a bottle of what was presumed to be alcohol. After striking the match and taking a swig from the bottle, Fredrick held up the match to his mouth and let out a thin stream of the liquid in his mouth. Immediately the liquid caught fire and shot a straight line of fire right at the crowd! The crowd jumped in there seats as the flames flew toward them but disappeared before it hurt anyone. The crowd once again roared with approval as they flew from there seats in a loud burst of applause.
The room once again went dark as strobe lights flashed around the room. “And now,” an invisible voice boomed, “For the grand finally!” The whole room erupted in light as the entire cast from the show came out all of them performing their act. Clowns danced and fell and made people laugh while tightrope walkers danced above the crowd. Frederick breathed fire at the crowd again and even lit a ring on fire that a the lion tamer had his lions jump through. Dan was enjoying himself so much that he had completely forgot his fear of clowns. He had loved the show so much! The crowd roared their approval with there claps and shouts for more. But like all good things The Great Barlow's North American Circus had to come to an end. As the last clown danced off stage and the last flame blinked out the circus was over. The boys practically skipped to their parents car all the while talking about all the magnificent things they had seen. The boys had had the time of their life and this wasn't an experience they would forget.

These are the corrections my teacher told me I need to make:
I enjoyed reading your story - you have employed wonderful descriptive details! You do need to include dialogue, and strengthening the conflict would be great! Can you identify the events that make up the rising action? Which event would you say is the climax? When does Dan have to make a choice that solves his conflict? You've described the circus very well. But the conflict isn't readily apparent - his fear of clowns doesn't appear to be a problem for Dan. You would need to include more to develop the conflict, than his mother telling him to not be afraid.
5/5 Introduction
2/5 Conflict
2/5 Rising Action/ Event #1
0/5 Rising Action/ Event #2
0/5 Climax
5/5 Sensory Language (Example 1)
5/5 Sensory Language (Example 2)
0/5 Dialogue
5/5 Word Count
5/5 Clear writing


Answer 1
Answer: His mother can tell him to not be afraid and explain why he should not be afriad. You need more dialogue and you can make them talk instead of explaining a lot of things. The climax can be when he saw the clowns and how he acted, thought, and felt. For the rising actions, you can explain a certain thing very descriptive. Overall, it's amazing, I like it.

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1.images or captions can reveal a bias, by the illustration of the image and by what the caption says for example a caption can have all females in it. that would be bias toward males or vise versa.

2.headlines can change a reaction to a story because they can persuade you to do something but what you read in the story may not have been what you read about or, they can have interesting facts in them. is possible for different news sources to paint different pictures of the same story because, one news source group can have different views of the story. and the other may feel a different way.

4. Thats your choice

5.its important to read multiple news sources because you can really see what they think about the same topic and if something is really true or not.

6. we can present information in an unbiassed way by having bot male and female be apart of what it is to be presented like everyone is equal everyone can do the same jobs and everyone can get loved. ;-)

7.its important for the news to be unbiased because there are really great things for women to teach men and men can teach women great things too. and yes i believe it is possible.


brainliest please :)

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Because he said I guess i did not study much




The speaker's statement "Its just too bad things didn't work out for me" suggests there is a lack of guilt.

They seem more bothered about the consequences instead.

Hope this helps!

Edit: Guess I was wrong, sorry.

Hi, could you help me for the mission 3 please? Thank you and good day to all.


Alrighty. If I'm reading the directions correctly, you've got to pair up the cards with matching ailments.
Now,if you notice, some cards are written in one format, and some are written in another. The ones written in the format of Ailment, Prescribe, Extra Advice, have things a doctor would say. The ones written in the format of Ailment, Duration, Previous Medication are things that a patient would know.
Therefore, the cards would be paired up as such:
Sore Throat - Patient: Card 4, Doctor: Card 1
Rash - Patient: Card 6, Doctor: Card 2
Bad Cut - Patient: Card 3, Doctor: Card 7
Indigestion - Patient: Card 8, Doctor: Card 8
All you have to do now is make the conversations between the two. For example, in the conversation of patient with a sore throat and their doctor would go something like this:
Patient: Doctor, I have a sore throat.
Doctor: How long has it been going on?
Patient: I've had it for three days.
Doctor: Have you taken any other medications for it?
Patient: Just some throat lozenges.
Doctor. Alright. I'm going to prescribe some cough syrup. You should take it every five hours. Also, make sure to drink plenty of liquids, especially warm tea with honey, because it will soothe your throat.

You can continue the conversation with formalities such as a greeting at the beginning and thank-yous and goodbyes at the end, but they aren't strictly necessary according to the directions.
The conversation should include everything the cards have on them, so as to follow the directions completely. The doctor has to ask questions about the condition, which the patient card answers, and then prescribe a treatment and give extra advice, which the doctor card supplies.
All the information is right there, you just need to put it all in a speaking-type format, as opposed to just the facts.

Is 6 kilometers greater than less than or equal than 600 centimeters


6 kilometers is greater than 600 centimeters 
6 kilometers is greater than 600 centimeters.

NEED AN ANSWER FAST, WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!How is Pegasus’ character in the myth altered in the poem “Pegasus in Pound”?

A. In the myth, Pegasus is created from Medusa’s blood; in the poem, he comes from a constellation in the sky.

B. In the myth, Pegasus chooses to enter the home of the gods; in the poem, he is seized as a stray animal.

C. In the myth, he feels angry and resentful; in the poem, he feels forgiving and kind.

D. In the myth, he is formed from a hero’s sword; in the poem, he bursts from the fountain.

Story: (in text document)


I think the answer is C tell me if I’m wrong please

Answer: D
