Explain why hydrogen is a light gas whilst iron is a heavy solid ?


Answer 1
Answer: due to the atomic mass, different for every element, hydrogen is the lightest element and it's a gas at room temperature due to its properties like point of  ebollition. iron is a heavy solid because it has a high atomic mass and a high point of fusion(temperature needed to melt it).

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include T and B cells that are used to produce antibodies against antigens and destroy pathogens that enter the body.

____________ is the ability of the kidneys to maintain a relatively constant gfr despite changes in blood pressure without the input of nervous or hormonal control.


Renal autoregulation is the ability of the kidneys to maintain a relatively constant GFR or glomerulofiltration rate despite fluctuating blood pressure. Autoregulation is a remarkable property of multiunit smooth muscles of small arteries and arterioles to respond to changes in internal and external pressure. The blood vessels in the human body react by contracting whenever the blood pressure is elevated and by expanding when the blood pressure is reduced. On the other hand, if there is an elevation or reduction of the external interstitial pressure, it results in dilation and contraction, respectively. The lowest autoregulating pressure is about 60 mmHg. By a further reduction in perfusion pressure, RBF is sharply reduced.

Kidneys are the important organs of the excretory system involved in the removing of nitrogenous wastes from the body. Apart from this, they are involved in maintaining the acid-base balance, electrolytes and thus contibuting in homeostatis of the body.

The structural and functional unit of a kidney is called a nephron. Glomeruli of the nephrons are involved in the process of filtering the waste products and excess of fluids from the blood. This process is called the glomerular filtration. GFR or the glomerular filtration rate is the rate at which the fluids are filtered from the glomerulus of the nephron. A constant GFR is very essential for the healthy functioning of kidneys. Any change in the arterial pressure can injury the nephrons of the kidney. Hence a constant GFR despite of changes in the blood pressure is maintained by a process called the renal autoregulation.

Renal autoregulation together with the tubuloglomerular feedback help in maintaining a constant GFR inspite of changes in the sodium chloride levels in the urinary filtrate. An elevated level of sodium, results in constriction of the afferent arteriole, decreasing renin secretion and thus, lowering the GRF. Any decrease in sodium levels stimulates more renin production, constricts the efferent arteriole and increases the GRF.

Thus, renal autoregulation is the ability of the kidneys to maintain a constant GRF rate despite changes in the blood pressure.

What is regeneration?


Regeneration is the ability to gain something back again.

the action or process of regenerating or being regenerated, in particular the formation of new animal or plant tissue.

as the intensity of exercise increases, the percentage of fat used for energy increases. true or false



This is true. As the intensity of exercise increases, the body relies more on fat as the primary fuel source for energy production. This is because fat is the most energy-dense source of fuel in the body, providing approximately 9 kcal per gram, compared to only 4 kcal per gram for carbohydrates. Additionally, the body's ability to oxidize fat increases at higher exercise intensities, allowing for a greater proportion of the fuel supply to come from fat. However, the body's ability to oxidize fat is limited, so at very high exercise intensities, carbohydrates become the primary fuel source.

Which of the following is the most likely effect of urban sprawl? A. less destruction of natural habitats B. increased shortages of water and other resources C. decreased city temperatures in summer months D. less vehicle and factory emissions


Well, urban sprawl is just another term for urbanization, the spreading of towns and cities, and basically the disappearance of rural areas as well as nature. So, having that in mind, it would appear that urban sprawl is a negative thing, meaning the correct answer is increased shortages of water and other resources. The more cities grow, the more resources people will need to keep them advanced and modern, which means that soon enough, there will be no more resources for them to use.

The answer is B on e2020

Where are sex-linked genes located?A. on the autosomes.
B. on the sex chromosomes.
C. antigens.
D. on the dominant allele.


Your answer would be B on the sex chromosomes
Ya your right ans is b.on the sex chromosomes

"its only a few drops," you may think as you spill something toxic on the ground. But those drop eventually add up. Think about how many drops it would take to make a difference. what do you think would happen if someone spilled 4 L of oil into a lake?


it is a rather small amount but it definitely will affect the aquatic organisms in some way