The Anglo-Egyptian Treaty stated that


Answer 1
Answer: stated british egyptian would support each other if war broke out

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Which technique does Billy Joel use to establish unity between the lines?


i assume you are asking about e2020 correct? i believe the answer is b
 Billy Joel uses to "establish unity between the lines", I assume you're talking about "We Didn't Start the Fire"? I assume this because it's one of the most infamously deconstructed songs in both History and English classes.

Billy Joel uses two major literary tactics in this song that establish unity and make it so catchy and memorable. First of all, Joel plays off the beat of the song by singing the lyrics in a linear fashion (like a shopping list). Notice the music itself doesn't change between the chorus and the rest of the song. 

Secondly, and more importantly, he take advantage of the allusion in his lyrics. Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire" is full of references to real events and icons of history. An allusion is literally just a reference to something that you could just understand.

I would love to go the party tonight, but I would not want to (contradict) my parents, so I must ask for permission first. 1) Suppose 2) Contain 3) Oppose 4) Support





The meaning of oppose is to act against.That is why it is the word to replace contradict.The other words do not convey the same idea.It seems that going to a party for this kid would mean to act against his/her parents´will.

I would love to go the party tonight, but I would not want to (oppose) my parents, so I must ask for permission first. 

What is the main similarity between “The Purple Cow” and Frost’s poem "Mending Wall"? Both use iambic pentameter. Both use blank verse. Both use humorous language. Both use strict meter.


The main similarity between "The Purple Cow" and Frost's poem "Mending Wall" is that both use humorous language.
They don't use iambic pentameter, or blank verse, or strict meter, so these are not their similarities.

Answer: Both use humorous language.

Explanation: 100% on edge

What was the chief complaint of conservatives against the New Deal?A. promoted free enterprise and individualism
B. made the government too powerful
C. brought changes that were too radical for most Americans
D. concerned only with saving the banking system


The answer is B. Roosevelt's liberal answer for the issues was to forcefully utilize government as an instrument for making "another arrangement" for the American individuals, gone for three R's- - help, recuperation, and change. The New Deal's most quick objectives were short-go help and prompt recuperation.
To start with, the new deal did not observe the proposals brought forward by the consertives. In the proposals, Senatpr Huey had proposed that the wealthy in the society should be taxed heavily and the proceeds be used to imporve the wefare of the poor. However, the new proposal only served to strengthen the government of the day. This attracted the wrath of the conservatives.

The conflict in a story is usually about person against nature, against another person, or against        A. self.   B. civil disobedience.   C. irony.   D. technology.


Character vs. Self

Character vs. Self is one of the more common conflicts in a story because it often creates a dynamic character. Character vs. self is an internal conflict that causes the character to question what is right and wrong or what is most important. It requires the character to do some soul searching and self-reflection. Sometimes the character vs. self conflict is related to a character vs. nature or character vs. person conflict. The character must decide to forgive or seek revenge, or must decide which path to take during a blizzard.

Self... just took the pennfoster test :))

What characteristics do tragric heroes share?


The characteristics that a tragic hero must possess were put forward by Aristotle.
He said believed that all tragic heroes must belong to a noble family or have a high stature in society. This made their tragedy/downfall affect a lot more people than an ordinary man's.
The tragic hero must have a fatal flaw of character. This flaw did not necessarily have to be negative, such as pride. It could be positive too, such as courage or honesty.
Although fate cannot be overcome and must result in the tragic heroes fall, there must be an element of choice so that it appears that the hero chose a particular path of action.
The hero must come to an understanding and know what exactly was his fault that had led him to his own tragic downfall.
Catharsis was an important trait of a tragic hero. The audience must feel sympathy for the hero and be able to relate to his story and plight.