what do the opening scenes of act 5 foreshadowing about the resolution of the tragedy of Julius Caesar


Answer 1

It is the scene where Cassius notices that the two eagles that have accompanied their army have now flown away.  In their place are ravens and crows to which the army sees as a bad omen.  This causes a break down in morale among the troops as Cassius and Brutus wonder about their fates.  Brutus swears that he will not be taken prisoner regardless of what happens today.

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C). To teach children how to interact with adults.


Carl Sandburg in his poem 'How the animals lost their tails?' emphasizes the idea of 'politeness among the animals' in order to suggest or imply a lesson of mannerism among the young readers that they need to be respectful and humble while interacting with the adults/elders.

Carl Sandburg was well-aware of the prevailing rude and discourteous behavior of the children towards the adults. Therefore, he attempts to convey this message through the representation of these ideals(politeness and respect) among the young animals in order to teach a lesson to the young children and encourage them to adopt such humble behavior and etiquette. Thus, option C is the correct answer.

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1.) Which literary writing style uses humor to comment on serious subject matter?A) satire B) essay C) tragedy D) allegory

2.) Absurdism is the attempt to show the ____ of the human condition.
A) silliness B) seriousness C) uniqueness D) hopelessness


The literary form of satire makes lighthearted observations on weighty subjects. Thus, option A of part 1 is correct.

The endeavor to demonstrate the silliness of the human condition is called absurdism. Thus, option A of part 2 is correct.

What is satire?

Satire makes something, or someone appear silly to humiliate, denigrate, or ridicule its targets.

Satire uses exaggeration, irony, humor, or ridicule to highlight the flaws in human nature and behavior. It has its own genre and is a literary device frequently used to comment on current affairs and politics.

Satire is a genre of writing that exposes the shortcomings, silliness, and vices of a subject or another work. Political, moral, or social commentary is how it is most frequently employed.

What is silliness?

A hilarious folly, a lack of good sense or judgment, or the state of being frivolous, trivial, or superficial are all examples of being silly.

Being foolish has another significant advantage besides increasing the enjoyment and humor of events. You become more at ease with who you are as a result. It can be stressful when youngsters see things as serious, official, or measured. Silliness helps alleviate this pressure.

Learn more about satire here:



1. Satire

2. Silliness.

Four things you should look for when you're proofreading


Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, and Capitalization!  Hope this helps :)