Computers And Technology Questions

1. Landscapes are the one type of photograph in which you should always use the traditional perspective. a. True b. False 2. Impressionistic landscapes tend to use a shallower depth of field. a. True b. False 3. Backlighting can help showcase the form and shape of mountains. a. True b. False 4. The midday sun is best for desert photographs. a. True b. False 5. Landscape photographs are generally best when there is some focal point within the picture. a. True b. False 6. Lighting matters less in landscapes than in other types of photographs. a. True b. False 7. Representational landscapes are as realistic as possible. a. True b. False 8. When will the reflections on the water be best? a. A cloudy day b. A windy day c. A foggy day d. A calm day 9. Maxime du Camp published a book of what type of landscape photographs in the 1840’s? a. Daguerreotypes Calotypes b. Platinotype Collodionotype 10. Representational landscapes are photographs that record what? a. A picture close to reality b. An abstract picture of some element of the scene c. A photograph showing an impression of a scene d. All of the above 11. With landscape photography, which depth of field do you normally want? a. Small b. Small to Medium c. Large d. With landscapes it doesn’t really matter 12. What is typically the preferred lighting for mountains? a. Frontlighting b. Sidelighting c. Backlighting 13. What is a challenge in photographing forests? a. Dull colors b. Corrosive elements on the camera and lens c. A lack of features Large variations in light 14. What is included in a cityscape? a. Buildings b. Mountains c. Tide pools d. All of the above 15. In a landscape photograph, you want to be sure to include which of the following? a. Frontlighting b. A perspective from eye level c. A focal point d. All of the above