English Questions

Help you will get 15 points if I get a good grade I will help you any question at all please help please help1. Choose the sentence with no errors in punctuation or capitalization. (Points : 1) A stout lieutenant shouted, "Attention"!A stout lieutenant shouted, "Attention!"A stout lieutenant shouted "Attention!"A stout lieutenant shouted "attentionQuestion 2. 2. Choose the sentence with no errors in punctuation or capitalization. (Points : 1) "Excuse me" Norma whispered, "but did she say sorry or curry?""Excuse me," Norma whispered "but did she say sorry or curry?""Excuse me," Norma whispered, "but did she say sorry or curry?""Excuse me," Norma whispered, "but did she say sorry or curry"?In A,B,C,D all the scurry and curry are italicized Question 3. 3. Choose the sentence with no errors in punctuation or capitalization. (Points : 1) "Why do some people put a little line through their 7s?" she wondered."Why do some people put a little line through their 7s" she wondered?"Why do some people put a little line through their 7s? she wondered.""Why do some people put a little line through their 7s"? she wondered.in A,B,C,D all 7s are italicized Question 4. 4. For questions 4 and 5, read the dialogue. Then choose the answer that tells where a paragraph break should be made."Hello. Let me introduce myself," he said. "I'm Jim." "Pleased to meet you. I'm Ted," the man answered. (Points : 1) A paragraph break should come after the word said.A paragraph break should come after the word Jim.A paragraph break should come after the word you.No paragraph breaks are necessary.Question 5. 5. "Can you help me with these algebra problems?" Neil asked. "Sure," Pat answered. "Would around noon be a good time?" Neil suggested. (Points : 1) A paragraph break should come after the word asked.A paragraph break should come after the word asked and after the word answered.A paragraph break should come after the words problems, asked, and answered.No paragraph breaks are necessary.Question 6. 6. Here is a passage that a writer is quoting. Which choice shows where quotation marks should be placed?There, deep in the woods, was a little cabin with a walkway lined with flowers leading right up to a door. As soon as I placed my foot on the path, I felt a thrill as though something was going to happen. I stepped up to the green door and knocked loudly. Then I heard a sound that sent shivers up my spine. (Points : 1) at the beginning of each paragraphat the beginning of the first paragraph and the end of the secondat the beginning and end of each paragraphat the beginning of each paragraph and at the end of the last paragraphQuestion 7. 7. Here is a passage that a writer is quoting. Which choice shows where quotation marks should be placed?In the dream I woke just as on an ordinary day. I could hear birds singing, but something was different.I sat up and noticed that all my books were gone.All those posters that I had collected were gone, too! In their place were what looked like giant television screens. Suddenly, one blinked on. (Points : 1) at the beginning of each paragraphat the beginning the first paragraph and the end of the secondat the beginning and end of each paragraphat the beginning of each paragraph and at the end of the last paragraphQuestion 8. 8. Choose the sentence with no errors in punctuation or capitalization. (Points : 1) She continued, "The last story on the reading list is "The Most Dangerous Game."She continued, "The last story on the reading list is "The Most Dangerous Game.""She continued, "The last story on the reading list is 'The Most Dangerous Game.'"She continued, "The last story on the reading list is The Most Dangerous Game."Question 9. 9. Choose the sentence with no errors in punctuation or capitalization. (Points : 1) "Why are they singing "Old MacDonald's Farm" again?" she asked."I have heard "Old MacDonald's Farm" a hundred times today," she moaned."Old MacDonald's Farm' should be banned!" she stated."I wonder if there is a Spanish version of 'Old MacDonald's Farm,'" she mused.Question 10. 10. Which choice best answers the following question?Single quotation marks should be used __________. (Points : 1) for the titles of songsfor quotations within quotationsfor the titles of storiesfor words referred to as words