History Questions

PLEASE HELP ME WITH MY HW THANK YOU SO MUCH 30 PONITS FOR BEST ANSWER!!!!!!!!!What were some reasons people chose to move west? A.to own their own land, to make money, to be their own boss, to find jobs, and for religious reasons B.The North was getting too overcrowded. C.They wanted to live where there was no slavery. for improved climate, better land, and freedom D.Many just didn't like the cities. How did the Mormons make the land around Salt Lake City flourish? A.They chose very good land that was great for farming. B.They prayed night and day. C.They built canals and dams in the hills so that the water would flow down into the valleys for farming. D.They were excellent farmers with exceptional skills. E.none of the above Why were Texans unhappy with Mexican rule? A.Texans had to convert to Catholicism. B.Mexico abolished slavery. C.Mexican troops were sent into Texas. D.Citizens were taxed for the first time. E.all of the above What did the United States gain as a result of the Mexican American War? A.lots of trouble with Mexico B.a lot of dead troops C.many new heroes D.California, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, and parts of Colorado E.none of the above What were some ways California changed as a result of the Gold Rush? A.It grew from a tiny village to a boomtown. B.It had a system of laws and a government. C.It was admitted into the union. D.It harmed the Native Americans living there. E.all of the above TRUE OR FALSE6.Manifest Destiny is the belief that the United States was destined by the Creator to spread out across the land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean7.Capitulate means to stand firm8.Traveling across the country on the Oregon Trail was actually pretty easy9.When Texas first became independent of Mexico, it was its own country.10.The California Gold Rush was actually good for the environment.