Which word correctly completes the sentence? ¿Quieres ver ese documental o _____? éstas éste aquéllas ésta


Answer 1
Answer: The correct word for this question/ statement is "éste".
Answer 2
Answer: este is the right answer

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A) tienes que ir al banco

de nada lol

Which is the correct RESPONSE to the question given? ¿A quién se lo das? a) Te lo doy a Marta.
b) Marta me lo da.
c) Se lo doy a Marta.



The correct response to the question: ¿A quién se lo das? Is:

c. Se lo doy a Marta.


You can see the structure form of the question: ¡A quién selo das? Te underlined words are object pronouns that must be used in the answer, in the case of the verb, the question refers to you, by that reason the answer must be with the personal pronoun I or in Spanish"yo" and the correct conjugated form of the verb "dar" for that noun is "doy".

its C. se lo doy a marta

Help me please I beg uuuuuu


Can’t see can you put up another picture?

Plz help with my Spanish homework i need it for a test!! Fill in the blanks plz!


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1. ¿Cuál es el carro más bonito? 

2. ¿Cuál es el carro más rápido? 

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5. Describe tu carro favorito.


1. El estudiante más atlético en mi escuela es un chico llamado James Lee.
1: el chico mas atletico del colegio es francisco.
2: el alumno mas inteligente de mi clase es maria.
3: para mi la clase menos dificil es la de español.
4: para mi es mejor programa de telivicion es de comedia.
5: el peor preograma de telivion es de accion
6 :mi actor favorito es tailor swift
7: el mejor atleta es ignacio
8: la mejor pelicula es un suspiro de aliento

Espero que te sirva.

Escoge la mejor respuesta. The man in the picture says he is from which country?

The United States


Since I do not have the picture to tell you the exact correct answer, I can explain you how to choose the best answer.

These are the possible answers both in English and Spanish:

  • If someone is from Canada, they would say I'm Canadian or Soy canadiense.
  • If someone is from The United States, they would say I'm American or Soy estadounidense.
  • If someone is from Argentina, they would say I'm Argentinian or Soy argentino/argentina.
  • If someone is from Mexico, they would say I'm Mexican or Soy mexicano/mexicana.

There are some differences between the nationalities. For example, in Spanish you do not write the nationality with a capital letter, and argentino/argentina and mexicano/mexicana differ depending if you are talking about a man or a woman.

Check more information here brainly.com/question/5336566?referrer=searchResults


The United States


If he says "estadounidense," this means he is from the United States.