Government: What was the structure and what were the main principles of each civilization's government?For Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome...(compare and contrast)


Answer 1

Ancient Grecian Government

Ancient Greece was the beginning of democracy. In 507 BC Cleisthenes introduced a new form of government and principle which was "rule by the people" and leaders were elected.

This system was divided into three groups: writers of the laws, a council of representatives from each tribe, and courts where citizens argued cases before randomly-selected jurors.

Ancient Roman Government

Roman government went through many changes during its existence including city state, kingdom, republic, and imperial periods. Its main principle was that of "republic" in which leaders were elected and only for a limited time.

Like the Greeks, the Republican Roman government had three separate branches of government but they operated a little bit differently: legislative (makes laws) with the Senate and assemblies, executive (enforces laws) led by two consuls, and judicial (interprets laws) with eight judges.

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Hope this helps!! <3

Penny has two dogs: Fluffy (left) and Butch (right). Penny thinks her dogs might enjoy a little adventure. She owns two identical small red wagons with four wheels.Fluffy
Penny puts Fluffy in one wagon and pushes the wagon, once, as hard as she can. Penny puts Butch in the other wagon and pushes it once, also as hard as she can. Both of the wagons travel across a level surface. Will the motion of the two wagons be different?
Yes; Fluffy's wagon will stop first.
Yes; Butch's wagon will move faster.
No; the wagons will both move in the same way.
Yes; Fluffy's wagon will move faster.





Study Island

It have to be 4 because 1 Fluffy went first so she will stop first and 2 the are opposite so they won’t go at the same speed