Earth's first semi-permanent atmosphere consisted of abundant water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, ammonia, and traces of methane. these gases came from


Answer 1
Answer: organic compounds from the Cambrian era

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Bombarding sodium-23 with a
proton produces nuclide X and a neutron. What is nuclide X?






none of the above

The isotope P
has a half-life of 14.3 days. If a sample originally contained 1.00 g of P,
how much was left after 43 days?


0.250 g

0.125 g

0.750 g

0.500 g

Identify X in the reaction
+  C
→  Cf
+ X


alpha particle




A .20 gram sample of C-14 was allowed to decay for 3 half-lives.  What mass
of the sample will remain?  Carbon-14 has a half life of 5730







The isotope Cu
has a half-life of 30 s. If a sample originally contained 48 mg of Cu,
how much time passed before the amount fell to 3 mg?


120 s


30 s

60 s
(when I did my calculation for the question above, I got 60 seconds)

What radionuclide decays to Fe-56
by beta emission?






How do I know wat it becomes. I put 57 Co 27 and it's wrong.

The Cf
to Cf
conversion is accompanied by __________.


an alpha

neutron capture

an electron

an electron release
I would greatly appreciate your help...ASAP. Thank you.


Bombarding sodium-23 with a proton produces nuclide X and a neutron. What is nuclide X?

^(23)_(11)Na--^(\beta^+)--> ^(23)_(10)Ne + e^(+)

answer:  neon
The isotope P has a half-life of 14.3 days. If a sample originally contained 1.00 g of P, 
how much was left after 43 days?

0 days >>> 1.00g
14,3 days >>> 1.00g :2 = 0,5g
(14.3+14.3) days >>> 0.5g : 2 = 0.25g
(14.3+14.3+14.3) days >>>  0.25g : 2 = 0.125g 

answer: 0.125g

Identify X in the reaction 
 U +  C →  Cf + X

^(238)_(92)U ---> ^(251)_(98)Cf+6e^-

answer: 6 electrons  (so it's beta

A .20 gram sample of C-14 was allowed to decay for 3 half-lives.  What mass 
of the sample will remain?  Carbon-14 has a half life of 5730 

at the beginning >>> 0.20g
1 half-live >>> 0.20g : 2 = 0.10g
2 half-live >>> 0.10g : 2 = 0.05g
3 half-live >>> 0.05g : 2 = 0.025g

answer: 0.025g

The isotope Cu has a half-life of 30 s. If a sample originally contained 48 mg of Cu, 
how much time passed before the amount fell to 3 mg?

0 s (at the beginning) >>> 48mg
30s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 48mg : 2 = 24mg
(30+30)s >>>>>>>>>>> 24mg : 2 = 12mg
(30+30+30)s >>>>>>>> 12mg : 2 = 6mg
(30+30+30+30)s >>>>> 6mg : 2 = 3mg

answer: 30+30+30+30 = 120s
What radionuclide decays to Fe-56 by beta emission?

^(56)_(26)Fe--^(\beta^-)-->^(56)_(27)Co + e^-

answer: ⁵⁶₂₇Co
The Cf to Cf conversion is accompanied by __________.

Cf to Cf ????  maybe...mistake?

The best method of developing a paragraph about a landscape would be _____.chronological


The best answer is "spatial" because a landscape is by definition, a wide open area. A paragraph using the other three methods would not be the best. 

Which of the following would most likely result in an increase in reaction rate? placing the reactants on a hotplate placing the reactants in an ice bath
placing the products in an ice bath



placing the reactants on a hot plate


If the temperature goes up, the reaction rate will increase. Because the particle will move faster and makes the kinetic energy larger.

Which group of nuclear emissions is listed in order of increasing charge?(1) alpha particle, beta particle, gamma radiation
(2) gamma radiation, alpha particle, beta particle
(3) positron, alpha particle, neutron
(4) neutron, positron, alpha particle


Answer: Option (4) is the correct answer.


An alpha particle is basically a helium nucleus and it contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons. Symbol of an alpha particle is ^(4)_(2)\alpha or ^(4)_(2)He.

This means that an alpha particle carries a +2 charge.

A positron is a small particle which contains a +1 charge. And, a positron is represent by the symbol ^(0)_(+1)\beta.

A neutron is a sub-atomic particle present inside the nucleus of an atom. Charge on a neutron is 0.

A gamma particle is basically a photon of electromagnetic radiation with a short wavelength.

Symbol of a gamma particle is ^(0)_(0)\gamma. Hence, charge on a gamma particle is also 0.

Therefore, we can conclude that group of nuclear emissions from neutron, positron, alpha particle is listed in order of increasing charge.

The group of nuclear emissions is listed in order of increasing charge is neutron, positron and alpha particle and the correct option is option 4.

Nuclear emissions refer to the particles and radiation that are emitted from the nucleus of an atom during a nuclear reaction or radioactive decay. These emissions include alpha particles, beta particles, gamma radiation, positrons, and neutrons.

  • Alpha particles (α): These are helium nuclei consisting of two protons and two neutrons. They have a positive charge and relatively low penetrating power.
  • Beta particles (β): These are high-energy electrons (β-) or positrons (β+) emitted during radioactive decay. Beta particles have a negative charge (β-) or positive charge (β+) and moderate penetrating power.
  • Gamma radiation (γ): This is electromagnetic radiation of high energy and frequency. Gamma radiation has no charge and is highly penetrating.
  • Positrons: Positrons are positively charged particles with the same mass as an electron but opposite charge. They are emitted during certain types of radioactive decay.
  • Neutrons: Neutrons are electrically neutral particles found in the nucleus of an atom. They have no charge and are emitted during nuclear reactions or as a result of radioactive decay.

Thus, the ideal selection is option 4.

Learn more about Nuclear emissions, here:


The nucleus of a radium-226 atom is unstable, which causes the nucleus to spontaneously(1) absorb electrons (3) decay
(2) absorb protons (4) oxidize


Answer: The nucleus of radium-226 is unstable and hence undergoes decay.

Explanation: Radium has many isotopes. One of them is _(88)^(226)\textrm{Ra} which has 88 protons and 138 neutrons. It is a radioactive isotope and undergoes decay process.

This isotope undergoes alpha - decay and produces Radon-222 isotope.

Equation for alpha - decay follows:

_(88)^(226)\textrm{Ra}\rightarrow _(86)^(222)\textrm{Rn}+_2^4\alpha

Hence, the nucleus of radium-226 undergoes decay process.

The answer is (3) decay. An atom whose nucleus is unstable is said to be "radioactive," and its nucleus undergoes nuclear decay.

A + B → C Select the rate law for the reaction above using the following information: Holding the concentration of A constant and doubling the concentration of B results in the rate of the reaction increasing from 1.5E-3 M/s to 1.2E-2 M/s. Keeping the concentration of B constant and doubling A results in the rate of the reaction increasing from 1.5E-3 M/s to 3.0E-3 M/s.


For the initial conditions:
1.5E-3 = k A^n B^m

For the second condition:
1.2E-2 = k A^n (2B)^m
1.2E-2 = 2^m k A^n B^m
From the initial condition:
1.2E-2 = 2^m (1.5E-3)
m = 3.32

For the third condition:
3.0E-3 = k (2A)^n B^m
3.0E-3 = 2^n k A^n B^m
3.0E-3 = 2^n (1.5E-3)
n = 1

Therefore, the rate law is:
r = k A B^3.32