Label each of the following statements as a bias, prejudice, or stereotype.A) All fat people are lazy.
B) Chemotherapy is much better than radiation to treat cancer.
C) Herbal remedies are a waste of money.
D) All teenagers are reckless drivers.
E) He must be really stupid because he does not know how to use the internet.
F) Baptists are better Christians than Lutherans.


Answer 1
Answer: a is a stereotype
b is bias
c is a predjudice
d is a stereotype
e is prejudice
f is prejudice

hopefully my answers help you\

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Air is warmed and moisten as it moves through both the mouth and nasal passages


That is true. Your body heat attempts to bring the cool air in the outside environment to a temperature that will not shock your lungs. This is the reason that when you go outside on a cool day, you can see your breath, since the warm moist air in your lungs is condensing in the cool, dry air outside.
Hope that helped! =)

The air moves through the nose or mouth into the body and gets moistened and warmed so as to not dry out the parts of the respiratory tract.

Further Explanation:

The organs like mouth, nose, bronchioles, trachea, pharynx, nasal cavity, and lungs make up the respiratory system. These organs work in a synchronized manner for the gaseous exchange. The gases which gets exchanged are carbon dioxide and oxygen which are exhaled and inhaled, respectively.

The air enters the body through nasal cavity or mouth. As the air moves inside, it gets warmed and moistened. This is because the air which is received by the lungs must be vaporised and is not harmful for the respiratory tract and its components. The nasal cavity is covered by cilia on the periphery and contains mucus which keeps the air moist. The solid particles are filtered from the air by the mucus and cilia which also warms up the air. The respiratory system comprise delicate tissues that are prevented by the moist air from the damage. As the air enters the nose, the moisture inside it humidifies and heats up the air. This increases the water vapor component of the air inside the noise which eventually reaches the lungs.

The mouth and the nasal cavity meet at the pharynx from where the air moves into the trachea. The trachea is a structure resembling a tube that facilitates the passage of air to the lungs through bronchioles. When the air reaches the lungs, the blood extracts the oxygen and supplies it to the other body parts. The contraction and expansion of the diaphragm help in the functioning of the lungs by forcing air to move into and out of it, respectively.

Learn More:

  1. Learn more about effects of vigorous exercise on cardiorespiratory system
  2. Learn more about the structure of epithelium and connective tissue
  3. Learn more about secondary function of the lymphatic system

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Chapter: Respiratory System


Respiratory system, mouth, nose, nasal cavity, respiratory tract, lungs, trachea, bronchioles, oxygen, carbon dioxide, exhalation, inhalation, diaphragm, contraction, expansion, air passage.

Hi I have a sore ear , it is a little tingly just now but and when I touch it it's agony


this has happened to me before i recommend using ear drops and if it continues go and see a doctor 

Which of the following is true concerning labeling? A. Labeling a life experience as a disorder can change the way we see that experience.
B. The power to label and the power to oppress sometimes go hand in hand.
C. A label, such as "HIV positive," can overshadow all other aspects of a person's life.
D. All of the answers are correct.



D) All of the answers are correct


Two people can label the same situation differently which leads to different perceptions. A bad experience could be labelled as a trauma and can lead to several psychiatric disorders like PTSD or depression. Often when we label something we also generalize a situation or a person. Labeling someone in this way can lead other people to oppress that person or take their advantage. For example a label like HIV positive is generally taken in  a negative sense by people and it overshadows all other aspects of a person's life.

When newborn baby Yasmin's cheek is stroked, she turns her head in the direction of the stimulus. Which reflex is Yasmin demonstrating?


The reflex Yasmin is demonstrating is rooting.

What are some components of a healthy diet


The components of a healthy diet is all based on nutrition. These are the five fundamental components that you must have to become healthy as you eat:
Protein - responsible for healthy muscles, skin and hair.
Carbohydrates - fuels our body for more energy.
Vitamins - nutritional components that strengthens our vision, immune system, and prevents premature aging and cancer.
Water - an essential in our lives as it's responsible for our bodily and organ function.
Minerals - calcium, iron and the like can strengthen our body and can prevent diseases.

Bacterial STD that affects the reproductive tract and is most common in teens


The correct answer would be : Chlamydia
Chlamydia is considered very easy to cure. But if it left untreated for a prolonged period of time, it could cause permanent damage to woman's reproductive system which will hurt their chances in getting a newborn