What difficulty did both Chinese and Japanese immigrants face when trying to pass through immigration stations in the late 1800s and early 1900s?


Answer 1

Both were targets of the Chinese Exclusion Act.  This act barred laborers from entering the United States.  Immigration officers were strict with Chinese immigrants because they were willing to work for low wages and during this period the economy was in the decline so they were seen as a threat in terms of employment opportunities. Since the Japanese looked similar to the Chinese they too were put under suspicion.

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The English philosopher John Locke wrote that


Answer:  According to natural law, all people are equal and have the same right to life, freedom and property.

Explanation:  John Locke was an English philosopher from the time of the Enlightenment and as such advocated that according to natural law, all people have the same rights, unlike the Church's teaching that all people under God's law are subordinated to a single absolute or dogma. He advocated the thesis that according to natural law all people have the right to influence the formation of a government, and that some of their rights are transferred to the government, as some kind of social contract. In this way, they create a legitimate political government that can be controlled under a social contract, in order to ensure stable conditions for their lives.

Final answer:

John Locke believed humans had essential freedoms in the state of nature and that a state structure, established through a social contract, was needed to safeguard these rights. His work influenced the ideology of popular sovereignty, suggesting the government exists by the consent of people and has a duty to protect their rights. If the government fails, the contract is broken, and people have the right to form another government.


The English philosopher John Locke proposed theories on human nature and the role of government that have been influential in political thought. Locke believed in the state of nature, humans had essential freedoms, including life, health, liberty, and possessions, and it was the role of the state, established through a social contract, to protect these rights. Any disputes that arose could potentially lead to violence which could be curbed only by the presence of a state structure.

Locke presented his ideas in his work 'Two Treatises of Government', where he notably proposed that all people are born free and it is the government that exists by their consent, a principle known as popular sovereignty. In his view, if the government fails to protect the rights of the people and abuses its power, the social contract is broken, and the people have the right to form another government for their protection, a concept that greatly influenced the British settlers of North America.

Locke's notion of the state of nature and natural rights implied that humans, using their rationality bestowed by God, could determine moral laws obligatory for all. These laws included respect for others and recognition of individual liberty. He maintained that humans were naturally free and equal and no one person had more power or right to rule than another. In essence, Locke’s works highlight humans' inherent rights and the true nature and purpose of governments based on consent and justice.

Learn more about John Locke and his ideologies here:



What was one effect of the popularity of the automobile on the U.S economy


One effect of the popularity of the automobile on the U.S economy is : more workers were needed in the industries that made related parts.
The increase in the popularity will increase the total market demand of the products, which lead to and increase of needed workers fot the automobile industry

hope this helps
Here is my answer to your question: One of the effects of the popularity of the automobile on the United States economy is it is growing especially the industry boomed after World War I. The industry provided more jobs, more consumers which the demand was also high. Given this, the industry has contributed to the economy.

The war of 1812 had a profound impact on the american economy by causing an increase in


The war of 1812 had a profound impact on the american economy by causing an increase in economic confidence, since this was the first time the US had really asserted itself as a stable power. 

What mineral discovery attracted African American people to California in 1849? copper silver gold uranium


It was mainly the discovery of "gold" that attracted African American people to California in 1849, since this was seen as an opportunity to gain a great deal of wealth very quickly. 

In what U.S. state was the Seneca Falls Convention held?A. New York
B. Maryland
C. Alabama
D. New Jersey


The Seneca Falls Convention was held in A. New York.

Why were some of the weaknesses of Articles of Confederation?



The federal government, under the Articles, was too weak to enforce their laws and therefore had no power. The Continental Congress had borrowed money to fight the Revolutionary War and could not repay their debts. States

had also fallen into debt and were raising taxes to pay off those debts

hope this helps! <3