How do the stages of mitosis look


Answer 1
Answer: this is how the stages of mitosis look like

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In biology, an organ system is a group of organs that work together to perform one or more functions. Each does a particular job in the body, and is made up of certain tissues.

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Fibers A and fibers C are those involved in nociceptive transmission, considered first-order neurons. They are bipolar neurons with the soma in the dorsal ganglia of the peripheral nerves and a prolongation that penetrates the posterior horn of the spinal cord.

Comparative _____ suggests organisms that are more closely related have more similar embryo development.


Comparative anatomy suggests that organisms that are more closely related have more similar embryo development. This is because comparative anatomy is literally the science/study of similarities in the anatomies of organisms. Organisms that are more similar (i.e. have more homologous structures) tend to develop more similarly; otherwise, their structures would be rather different (hence why a plant and a person are not similar and do not develop similarly).

Hope this helps :)




Comparative Embryology is the field of embryology. It deals with the study and comparision of the development, morphology, anatomy, physiology and genetic make of embryos belonging to different species. It also help in determining the evolutionary relatedness of the embryos of the previously existing species and present day organisms on the basis of the similarities and differences in the embryo features. All embryos pass through the stage of few to multiple celled zygotes. The differentiation of the zygote results in the clump of cells called as morulas then into hollow balls of cells called as blastulas. The differentiation of blastula leads to the creation of organs of the body.

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Spines/Thorns to minimize evaporation? I think that should be right from the biology I have taken.
some of the plants in the desert have thorns instead of leaves 

The function of the goblet cells is to ________.A. absorb nutrients from digested food and store them for future use
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The function of the goblet cells is to produce mucus that protects parts of the digestive organs from the effects of powerful enzymes needed for food digestion. 

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CFCs stands for Chlorofluorocarbons. These compounds have long lifetimes. Because of its long lifetimes, it will not only affect our atmosphere but will also climbed to the higher spheres of earth, particularly our stratosphere.

The stratosphere is the location of our ozone layer. It protects us from the extreme rays of the sun. Prolonged presence of CFCs in the stratosphere destroys our ozone layer. Thus, weakening the protection from the sun's uv rays. This will affect us because we are subjected to higher risk of the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays which may result to skin cancer and other sun related ailments.


Skin Cancer and other diseases caused by our depleting ozone layer
