Andy is waiting at the signal. As soon as the light turns green, he accelerates his car at a uniform rate of 8.00 meters/second2. What is the displacement of Andy’s car after 30.0 seconds?


Answer 1
-- Accelerating at the rate of 8 m/s², Andy's speed
   after 30 seconds is

                                   (8 m/s²) x (30.0 s)  =  240 m/s .

-- His average speed during that time is

                                 (1/2) (0 + 240 m/s)  =  120 m/s .

-- In 30 sec at an average speed of 120 m/s,
   Andy will travel a distance of
                                                 (120 m/s) x (30 sec) = 3,600 m

                                                                                = 3.6 km .

"But how ? ! ?", you ask.

How in the world can Andy leave a stop light and then
cover 3.6 km = 2.24 miles in the next 30 seconds ?

The answer is:  His acceleration of  8 m/s², or about  0.82 G
is what does it for him.

At that rate of acceleration ...

-- Andy achieves "Zero to 60 mph" in 3.35 seconds,
   and then he keeps accelerating.

-- He hits 100 mph in 5.59 seconds after jumping the light ...
   and then he keeps accelerating.

-- He hits 200 mph in 11.2 seconds after jumping the light ...
   and then he keeps accelerating.

-- After accelerating at 8 m/s² for 30 seconds, Andy and his
   car are moving at  537 miles per hour !
   We really don't know whether he keeps accelerating,
    but we kind of doubt it. 

A couple of observations in conclusion:

-- We can't actually calculate his displacement with the information given.
   Displacement is the distance and direction between the starting- and
   ending-points, and we're not told whether Andy maintains a straight line
   during this tense period, or is all over the road, adding great distance
   but not a lot of displacement.

-- It's also likely that sometime during this performance, he is pulled
   over to the side by an alert cop in a traffic-control helicopter, and
   never actually succeeds in accomplishing the given description. 

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b. False


Answer: The given statement is true.

Transport of oxygen from the air takes place through respiratory system. Oxygen from air ( that is taken from the atmosphere) enters via a system of tubes, into our lungs and then it is released into the bloodstream ( to serve in various organs) whereas opposite route is followed by CO2 ( carbon dioxide).

In the respiratory tract, the nose is lined by mucosal epithelium that possessed glands ( which secrete thick mucus). Due to this, air is moistened.  Beneath the epithelium surface, there lies  network of blood vessels that help in warming the nasal cavity and thus the air is warmed.

Answer: True

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Cheryl, Heather, and Keaton


if an object is moving at a constant speed in one direction, what is needed to change its speed or direction?.


Force is needed to change the speed or direction of an object moving at a constant speed.

We have an object is moving at a constant speed in one direction.

We have to determine what is needed to change its speed or direction.

Is Speed scalar or vector quantity ?

Speed is a scalar quantity as it has only magnitude and no direction.

According to the question, we have -

An object is moving at a constant speed in one direction. Now in order to change its speed or direction we need something to change its current state in which it is moving with constant speed in one direction. According to Newton's first law of motion, any body continues to be in its current state, unless some external force is applied on it. Hence, a certain amount of Force is needed in order to change its speed or direction.

Hence, Force is needed to change the speed or direction of an object moving at a constant speed.

To solve more questions on Force, visit the link below-


Any considerable amount of force is needed to change the speed of an object, if it is moving with constant speed in one direction. If the force applied is in the same direction in which an object is moving, speed of the object will increase. If force is in opposite direction of the motion, speed of object will decrease. If force is always perpendicular to the direction of motion of an object, it will move in a circle.

Further explanation:

Newton’s first law states that an object will remain in its initial state of the motion until and unless an external force is applied on the object. It means, object will remain in motion if it was in motion and it will remain at rest if it was initially at rest until and unless an external force is applied on the object.


An object is moving at a constant speed in one direction.


Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. Acceleration will be zero if change in the velocity with time is zero.  

We know that velocity is a vector quantity because it has magnitude as well as the direction.

In the question object is moving in one direction, therefore direction is not changing with time, and also the magnitude of the velocity of an object is constant. So the acceleration of the object is zero.

Acceleration is caused due to the force. If all the forces on the object are in equilibrium, the net force on the object will be zero and acceleration of object will also be zero.

Now if we want to change the speed or direction of the object, it is needed to exert an external force on the object. If a net force is exerted on the object, it will be subjected to an acceleration which causes change in speed or change of direction of the object.


Thus, any considerable amount of external force is needed to change the speed or direction of the object.

Learn More:

1.  A 30kg block being pulled across a carpeted floor

2.  Net force acting on a 200kg refrigerator

3. Max and Maya are riding on a merry-go-round

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Physics

Chapter: Laws of motion


Object, moving, constant, speed, one, direction, needed, change, speed, direction, considerable, force, acceleration, zero acceleration.

A material that provides little or no resistance to the flow of electric current is called a(an) A. circuit / B. conductor / C. insulator / D. resistor.


The correct answer is (b.) conductor. A material that provides little or no resistance to the flow of electric current is called a conductor. A conductor is a known material that is used for a smooth flow of current with any barrier in one or more directions.

The correct answer is B) Conductor

A conductor is a material that allows for the flow of electrical charge (electrical current). This type of material provides little or no resistance to the flow of electric current. This is due to the fact that these type of materials have free electrons which conduct the flow of electrical current in any direction.

Different types of conductors have different resistances. Some types of materials are good conductors whereas some are not so good.

Some common conductors are Copper, gold, silver and aluminium.

An insulator is the an object of type of material which have a strong resistance to the flow of electric current. Some common insulators are glass, wood and plastic.