A helium-filled balloon contains 130 mL of gas at a pressure of 0.97 atm. What volume will the gas occupy at standard pressure?


Answer 1
Answer: Boyle's Law 
 G:  V1= 130 mL   
       P1= 0.97 atm P2= 1 atm (standard pressure)
 U: V2=?
 F: V2 = V1 P1/P2
 S: V2 = (130 mL) (0.97 atm) / 1 atm
 Answer : V2 = 126.1 mL volume of the gas occupy @ STP

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Which of the following ions has a smaller size? Option 1: O2- Option 2: F- Option 3: They have the same size. Option 4: None of the above.


The fluoride ion (F-) is smaller in size than the oxide ion (O2-).

The ion with a smaller size is F- (fluoride ion) compared to O2- (oxide ion).

The size of an ion depends on the number of protons and electrons it has. Fluoride ion has one less electron than the oxide ion, making it smaller in size.

This trend can be explained by the concept of effective nuclear charge, where the positive charge of the nucleus is partially shielded by other electrons in the atom. As the atomic number increases from oxygen to fluorine, the increase in nuclear charge outweighs the additional electron-electron repulsions, resulting in a smaller size for fluoride ion.

Learn more about Ion size here:



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Fe(NO3)2 not sure how to get the oxidation numbers of all elements


You must remember that oxidation number of hydrogen in acids is always +1, oxidation number of oxygen in oxides & acids is always -2... metals has always oxidation number on plus!

group NO3 comes from HNO3...and oxidation number of whole acid group is always on minus and equal to the amount of hydrogen atoms in this acid... so oxidation number of NO3 = -1

we have 2 NO3 groups so 2*(-1) = -2 and that is the reason why oxidation number of Fe in this formula must be +2... because sum of all elements always gives 0!

Now we could count of oxidation number for nitrogen... we write HNO3 and start counting from right to left:
3*(-2) from oxygens + 1 from hydrogen = -5
so nitrogen must have +5 oxidation number... because sum all in formula must be 0.

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A solution has a volume of 250 ml and contains 0.70 mol Nacl what is the molarity


first convert mL into liters:

1 L = 1000 mL

250 mL / 1000 = 0.25 L

M = n / V

M = 0.70 / 0.25

M = 2.8 mol/L⁻¹

hope this helps!

The correct answer is D, 2.8 M.

Which statement describes how an atom in the ground state becomes excited?(1) The atom absorbs energy, and one or more electrons move to a higher electron shell.
(2) The atom absorbs energy, and one or more electrons move to a lower electron shell.
(3) The atom releases energy, and one or more electrons move to a higher electron shell.
(4) The atom releases energy, and one or more electrons move to a lower electron shell.


1) The atom absorbs energy, and one or more electrons move to a higher electron shell.

  • An atom changes from a ground state to an excited state by taking on energy from its surroundings in a process called absorption.
  • The electron absorbs the energy and jumps to a higher energy level.
  • In the reverse process, emission, the electron returns to the ground state by releasing the extra energy it absorbed.

So all the statements except 1) are false.

Learn more:


(1) The atom absorbs energy, and one or more electrons move to a higher electron shell.