The following JavaScript program is supposed to print: 1 by 4 by 9on a single line by itself. Unfortunately the program contains at least eight mistakes. Write the corrected line beside the line in error.

var N; // Text
N := 1;
document.writeln( N );
document.writeln( “ by “);
document.writeln( “N + 3”);
document.writeln( “ by “ );
document.writeln( N + 5);


Answer 1


var N; // Text

N = 1;

document.write( N );

document.write(" by ");

document.write(N + 3);

document.write(" by ");

document.write(N + 8);


var N; // Text

N = 1;

document.write( N );

document.write(" by ");

document.write(N + 3);

document.write(" by ");

document.write(N + 8);

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sequence number = 207

source port number = 302

destination port number = 80


The sequence number is 127 + 80 = 207

The source port number is 302, and the destination port number is 80.

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The thing is that an Index organized table, also known as IOT, is a type of table that stores data in a B tree index structure, which is used by Oracle. Normal relational tables, called heap-organized tables, store rows in any order and  primary key indexes store only the columns included in its definition.

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Return are predicted in the modern microprocessor as, branch predictor is the modern method for the processor for the prediction. The basic function of the branch predictor is improving in the pipeline instruction. It is basically the important part for implement the execution and the pipe lining. And the return predicted uses the call by reference technique for the data in instruction.

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//import the Random class

import java.util.Random;

//Begin class definition

public class CoinFlipper {

   //The main method

    public static void main(String []args){


       //Create an object of the Random class

       Random ran = new Random();


       //Use the object and the number of times for simulation

       //to call the flipCoin method

       flipCoin(ran, 25);

    } //End of main method



    //Method to flip coin

    public static void flipCoin(Random ran, int nooftimes){

        //Create a loop to run as many times as specified in variable nooftimes

       for(int i=1; i<=nooftimes; i++)

           System.out.println(ran.nextInt(2) + 1);


}   //End of class definition


Sample Output:





























The above code has been written in Java. It contains comments explaining every part of the code. Please go through the comments.

The sample output from the execution of the code is also given above.

The code is re-written as follows without comments.

import java.util.Random;

public class CoinFlipper {

    public static void main(String []args){

       Random ran = new Random();


       flipCoin(ran, 25);



    public static void flipCoin(Random ran, int nooftimes){

       for(int i=1; i<=nooftimes; i++)

           System.out.println(ran.nextInt(2) + 1);



Which of the following examples requires a citation in a paper you're writing?A. General information you already knew but want to clarify or conform
B. The table of contents
C. A paraphrasing of your original work in a different section of your paper
D. A direct quotation that is marked off by quotation marks



D. A direct quotation that is marked off by quotation marks


Quotation marks are responsible for indicating that some texts are explicitly referenced in a paper with no changes made. This type of quote must be very well referenced in the paper, both on lines where the quotes are written with author's surname, date of publishing, page referenced, and also on the bibliography at the end of the paper with all these references very well detailed, including text's title, translators (if any), number of editions, publishing house, and more. It is important to highlight it depends on the policies of publishing the paper must follow because there are different patterns for referencing and quoting.