If I have a 3 address machine, is my machine more likely to follow RISC or CISC design?2 addresses?

1 address?

0 address?


Answer 1


 RISC is the reduced instruction set and it is used to reduce the total execution time in the instruction set. The addressing modes are lower in the reduced instruction set.

CISC is the complex instruction set computer in which the single instruction can be executed in the low level operation.

1) 2 address:

The 2 address instruction are basically associate with the complex instruction set (CISC).

2) 1 address:

 The 1 address instruction is basically associated with CISC ( Complex instruction set) or RISC ( reduced instruction set ).

3) 0 address:

  The 0 address instruction is basically associate with either CISC ( Complex instruction set) or RISC ( reduced instruction set ).

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This program outputs a downwards facing arrow composed of a rectangle and a right triangle. The arrow dimensions are defined by user specified arrow base height, arrow base width, and arrow head width.(1) Modify the given program to use a loop to output an arrow base of height arrowBaseHeight. (1 pt)
(2) Modify the given program to use a loop to output an arrow base of width arrowBaseWidth. Use a nested loop in which the inner loop draws the *’s, and the outer loop iterates a number of times equal to the height of the arrow base. (1 pt)
(3) Modify the given program to use a loop to output an arrow head of width arrowHeadWidth. Use a nested loop in which the inner loop draws the *’s, and the outer loop iterates a number of times equal to the height of the arrow head. (2 pts)
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while (arrowHeadWidth <= arrowBaseWidth) {
// Prompt user for a valid arrow head value
Example output for arrowBaseHeight = 5, arrowBaseWidth = 2, and arrowHeadWidth = 4:
Enter arrow base height:
Enter arrow base width:
Enter arrow head width:

This is what I have:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class DrawHalfArrow
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
int arrowBaseHeight = 0;
int arrowBaseWidth = 0;
int arrowHeadWidth = 0;
System.out.println("Enter arrow base height:");
arrowBaseHeight = scnr.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter arrow base width:");
arrowBaseWidth = scnr.nextInt();
while (arrowHeadWidth >= arrowBaseWidth)
System.out.println("Enter arrow head width:");
arrowHeadWidth = scnr.nextInt();
// Draw arrow base (height = 3, width = 2)
for(int i=0; i < arrowBaseHeight; ++i)
for(int j=0; j < arrowBaseWidth; ++j)
// Draw arrow head (width = 4)
for(int i=0; i < arrowHeadWidth; ++i)
for(int j=0; j < arrowHeadWidth-i; ++j)



The modified program in Java is as follows:

import java.util.*;

public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

 int arrowHeadWidth, arrowBaseWidth, arrowBaseHeight;

 System.out.print("Head Width: "); arrowHeadWidth = input.nextInt();

 System.out.print("Base Width: "); arrowBaseWidth = input.nextInt();

 System.out.print("Base Height: "); arrowBaseHeight = input.nextInt();

 while (arrowHeadWidth <= arrowBaseWidth) {

       System.out.print("Head Width: "); arrowHeadWidth = input.nextInt();

 System.out.print("Base Width: "); arrowBaseWidth = input.nextInt();      }

 for(int i = 0; i<arrowBaseHeight; i++){

     for(int j = 0; j<arrowBaseWidth;j++){

         System.out.print("*");        }

         System.out.println();    }

 for(int i = arrowHeadWidth; i>0;i--){

     for(int j = 0; j<i;j++){

         System.out.print("*");        }

         System.out.println();    }




This declares the arrow dimensions

 int arrowHeadWidth, arrowBaseWidth, arrowBaseHeight;

This get input for the head width

 System.out.print("Head Width: "); arrowHeadWidth = input.nextInt();

This get input for the base width

 System.out.print("Base Width: "); arrowBaseWidth = input.nextInt();

This get input for the base height

 System.out.print("Base Height: "); arrowBaseHeight = input.nextInt();

This loop is repeated until the head width is greater than the base width

 while (arrowHeadWidth <= arrowBaseWidth) {

       System.out.print("Head Width: "); arrowHeadWidth = input.nextInt();

 System.out.print("Base Width: "); arrowBaseWidth = input.nextInt();      }

This iterates through the base height

 for(int i = 0; i<arrowBaseHeight; i++){

This iterates through the base width

     for(int j = 0; j<arrowBaseWidth;j++){

This fills the base

         System.out.print("*");        }

This prints a new line

         System.out.println();    }

These iterate through the arrow head

 for(int i = arrowHeadWidth; i>0;i--){

     for(int j = 0; j<i;j++){

This fills the arrow head

         System.out.print("*");        }

This prints a new line

         System.out.println();    }

Complete function PrintPopcornTime(), with int parameter bagOunces, and void return type. If bagOunces is less than 2, print "Too small". If greater than 10, print "Too large". Otherwise, compute and print 6 * bagOunces followed by " seconds". End with a newline.



The program to this question as follows:


#include <iostream> //defining header file

using namespace std;

void PrintPopcornTime(int bagOunces) //defining method PrintPopcornTime that accepts bagOunces


//defining conditional statement

if (bagOunces < 3) //if block checks bagOunces less then 3  


cout << "Too small"<<endl;


else if (bagOunces > 10)


cout << "Too large"<<endl; //else if value greater than 10


else //else block


cout << (bagOunces*6) <<" seconds"<<endl; //calculate seconds



int main()  


int bagOunces; //defining integer variable bagOunces

cout<<"Enter number: "; //message

cin>>bagOunces; //input value by user

PrintPopcornTime(bagOunces); //calling the method

return 0;



Enter number: 3

18 seconds


In the above C++ language code, the first header file is defined, then the method "PrintPopcornTime" is defined, in this method, an integer variable "bagOunces" is passed as a parameter, inside the method a conditional statement is used that can be described as follows:

  • In the if block, it will check that the "bagOunces" variable value is less than 3, if it is true, it will print "Too small". otherwise, it will go else if block.
  • In else if the "bagOunces" variable value is greater then 10, if it is true, it will print "Too large", otherwise it will go else block.
  • In the else block it will calculate the total second and prints its value in new line.

In the next step, the main method is defined, inside this method, an integer variable "bagOunces" is defined, which is used for user input and inside this method, the PrintPopcornTime is called.

The completed function "PrintPopcornTime()" can be referred to as given below.

We have,

The completed function "PrintPopcornTime()" as requested:

void PrintPopcornTime(int bagOunces) {

   if (bagOunces < 2) {

       System.out.println("Too small");

   } else if (bagOunces > 10) {

       System.out.println("Too large");

   } else {

       int time = 6 * bagOunces;

       System.out.println(time + " seconds");




In this function, we check the value of "bagOunces" using conditionalstatements.

If it's less than 2, we print "Too small".

If it's greater than 10, we print "Too large".

Otherwise, we calculate the time by multiplying 6 with "bagOunces" and print it followed by " seconds".

Finally, we print a new line to end the output.


The completed function "PrintPopcornTime()" can be referred to as given above.

Learn more about programming of functions here:



Your app needs to store the following information. For each type of information, decide whether you would use an array or a variable to store it:(a) All the messages a user has sent(b) The highest score a user has ever reached on the app(c) A username and password to unlock the app



Array: (a) All the messages a user has sent.

Variable: (b) The highest score a use has reached on the app. (c) A username and password to unlock the app.


An array generally has more than one value whereas a variable can only contain a single value at any particular point in time. In addition, a variable has a limit whereas an array does not have any maximum limit. Therefore, it can be concluded that option (a) will be stored as an array while options (b) and (c) will be stored as variables.

Develop a program that implements the POLYNOMIAL ADT using the LIST ADT. The POLYNOMIAL ADT is used to represent polynomials and the following operations defined on polynomials:1.Evaluate()(xp, z). Evaluates the polynomial )(xp at the point zx



Polynomial Zero() ::= return the polynomial p(x)=0

Boolean isZero(poly) ::= return (poly == 0)

Coefficient Coeff(poly , expon) ::= If (expon tex2html_wrap_inline93 poly) return its corresponding coefficient else return 0

Exponent LeadExp(poly) ::= return the degree of poly

Polynomial Remove(poly , expon) ::= If (expon tex2html_wrap_inline93 poly) remove the corresponding term  and return the new poly  else return ERROR

Polynomial SingleMult(poly , coef , expon) ::= return poly tex2html_wrap_inline105 coef x tex2html_wrap_inline107

Polynomial Add(poly1 , poly2) ::= return poly1 + poly2

Polynomial Mult(poly1 , poly2) ::= return poly1 tex2html_wrap_inline105 poly2

end Polynomial

The section on the Publisher screen that allows you to quickly move from one page another in a publication is the _____. View tabPage pane

Page Design tab

Zoom bar



Page pane


This pane is present under the navigation pane, it allow to hop easily from one page to other.  Moreover pages can be added using Add Page button.

Page pane makes the view and navigation from on page to another easier and quicker.

What is the analysis and complexity of a shell sortalgorithms?


Answer: The shell sort is based on insertion sort. Here the list of elements are divided into smaller sub list which are sorted based on insertion sort.

Its best case time complexity is O(n* logn) and worst case is O(n* log^2 n)


Shell sort is an inplace sorting here we begin by dividing the list into sublist and sorting the list with insertion sort. We create interval for dividing the list into sub list until we reach the smallest interval of 1.

The best case is O(n* logn).

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