Indicate whether the following statements are true or false for an isothermal process: (A) Q=T(∆S). (B) ∆U=0.(C) The entropy change of the system is always zero. (D) The total entropy change of the system and the surroundings is always zero. (E) The entropy change of the surroundings is negative. (F) Q=W.


Answer 1









A. In an isothermal process, only the reversibly heat transfer is 0, Q_(rev)=T (\Delta S)

B. Consider the phase change of boiling water. Here, the temperature remains constant but the internal energy of the system increases.

C. This is not true even in reversible process, as can be inferred from the equation in part A.

D. This is only true in reversible processes, but not in all isothermal processes.

E. Consider the phase change of freezing water. Here, the surroundings are increasing their entropy, as they are taking in heat from the system.

F. This is not true if (\Delta U)\neq 0, like in answer B. One case where this is true is in the reversible isothermal expansion (or compression) of an ideal gas.

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The concept of Hooke's law was applied as it relates to deformation.

The detailed steps and appropriate substitution is as shown in the attached file.

What are two advantages of forging when compared to machining a part from a billet?



Less material waste and time.


Two advantages of forging vs machining would be that with forging there is much less waste of material. With machining you remove a large amount of material turning into not so valuable chips.

There is also a time factor, as machining can be very time intensive. This depends on the speed of the machining, newer machines tend to be very fast, and forging requires a lengthy heating, but for large parts the machining can be excessively long.

Determine the voltage across a 2-μF capacitor if the current through it is i(t) = 3e−6000t mA. Assume that the initial capacitor voltage is zero g



v = 250[1 - {e^(-6000t)}] mV


The voltage across a capacitor at a time t, is given by:

v(t) = (1)/(C) \int\limits^(t)_(t_0) {i(t)} \, dt + v(t_0)                 ----------------(i)


v(t) = voltage at time t

t_(0) = initial time

C = capacitance of the capacitor

i(t) = current through the capacitor at time t

v(t₀) = voltage at initial time.

From the question:

C = 2μF = 2 x 10⁻⁶F

i(t) = 3e^(-6000t) mA

t₀ = 0

v(t₀ = 0) = 0

Substitute these values into equation (i) as follows;

v = (1)/(2*10^(-6)) \int\limits^(t)_(0) {3e^(-6000t)} \, dt + v(0)    

v = (1)/(2*10^(-6)) \int\limits^(t)_(0) {3e^(-6000t)} \, dt + 0

v = (1)/(2*10^(-6)) \int\limits^(t)_(0) {3e^(-6000t)} \, dt            

v = (3)/(2*10^(-6)) \int\limits^(t)_(0) {e^(-6000t)} \, dt             [Solve the integral]

v = (3)/(2*10^(-6)*(-6000))  {e^(-6000t)}|_0^t

v = (-3000)/(12)  {e^(-6000t)}|_0^t

v = -250 {e^(-6000t)}|_0^t

v = -250 {e^(-6000t)} - [-250 {e^(-6000(0))]

v = -250 {e^(-6000t)} - [-250]

v = -250 {e^(-6000t)} + 250

v = 250 -250 {e^(-6000t)}

v = 250[1 - {e^(-6000t)}]

Therefore, the voltage across the capacitor is v = 250[1 - {e^(-6000t)}] mV

Write a Python program that does the following. Create a string that is a long series of words separated by spaces. The string is your own creative choice. It can be names, favorite foods, animals, anything. Just make it up yourself. Do not copy the string from another source. Turn the string into a list of words using split. Delete three words from the list, but delete each one using a different kind of Python operation. Sort the list. Add new words to the list (three or more) using three different kinds of Python operation. Turn the list of words back into a single string using join. Print the string.



The code is attached.


I created a string s including 6 colors with spaces in between. Then I converted the string into a list x by using split() method. I used three different methods for removing elements from the list. These methods are remove(), pop() and del.

\n Then I used methods append(), insert() and extend() for adding elements to the list.

\n Finally I converted list into a string using join() and adding space in between the elements of the list.

A rocket is launched vertically from rest with a constant thrust until the rocket reaches an altitude of 25 m and the thrust ends. The rocket has mass 2 kg and thrust force 35 N. Neglecting air resistance, determine (a) the speed of the rocket when the thrust ends, (b) the maximum height reached by the rocket, and (c) the speed of the rocket when it returns to the ground.



a) v=19.6 m/s

b) H=19.58 m

c) v_(f)=29.57 m/s  


a) Let's calculate the work done by the rocket until the thrust ends.

W=F_(tot)h=(F_(thrust)-mg)h=(35-(2*9.81))*25=384.5 J

But we know the work is equal to change of kinetic energy, so:

W=\Delta K=(1)/(2)mv^(2)

v=\sqrt{(2W)/(m)}=19.6 m/s

b) Here we have a free fall motion, because there is not external forces acting, that is way we can use the free-fall equations.


At the maximum height the velocity is 0, so v(f) = 0.


H=(19.6^(2))/(2*9.81)=19.58 m  

c) Here we can evaluate the motion equation between the rocket at 25 m from the ground and the instant before the rocket touch the ground.

Using the same equation of part b)


v_(f)=\sqrt{19.6^(2)-(2*9.81*(-25))}=29.57 m/s

The minus sign of 25 means the zero of the reference system is at the pint when the thrust ends.

I hope it helps you!

Which of the following was an effect of world war 2 on agricultural industry



Option C..Farmers saught new technology to help with the workload

hope this helped you

please mark as the brainliest (ㆁωㆁ)