What determines the strength of an Arrhenius base?


Answer 1
Answer: The force is measured by the degree of dissociation that relates the number of unit formulas that dissociated themselves with those that were dissolved in the beginning.

hope this helps!
Answer 2
Answer: I think its the stength of the base that is determined by the degree of 
ionization and disociation.

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(2) 2 (4) 18


Answer: (3) 15

Explanation: We criss-cross down the oxidation numbers to get the subscripts for the correct formulas. That means the X has an oxidation number of 5. The element with the + oxidation number is always written first so it is +5. Of the groups names, only group 15 has +5 as an oxidation number.

Why is mass conserved in
chemical reactions?


Even in a chemical reaction when atoms interact and create new products, mass is conserved. This is because the new substances created are composed of atoms that were present in the reactants. ... No new atoms have entered or left the system so the mass is conserved.

The molecules CH4 and CH3Cl both have tetrahedral shapes. Why is CH4 nonpolar whereas CH3Cl is polar?


Both CH4 and CH3Cl have tetrahedral shapes, the presence of a more electronegative atom (chlorine) in CH3Cl leads to an uneven distribution of electron density and gives it a polar nature, whereas CH4 remains nonpolar due to the symmetric distribution of electron density among the identical hydrogen atoms.

The polarity of a molecule is determined by the presence of polar bonds and the molecular geometry of the molecule.

In both CH4 (methane) and CH3Cl (chloromethane), the central carbon atom is surrounded by four other atoms, which gives them a tetrahedral shape.

In CH4, all four surrounding atoms are hydrogen (H) atoms. Hydrogen and carbon have similar electronegativity values, meaning the shared electrons in the carbon-hydrogen bonds are equally attracted to both atoms.

This results in a nonpolar molecule since the electron distribution is symmetrical around the central carbon atom.

In CH3Cl, one of the hydrogen atoms in CH4 is replaced by a chlorine (Cl) atom. Chlorine is more electronegative than carbon, creating an unequal sharing of electrons in the carbon-chlorine bond.

The chlorine atom attracts the shared electrons more strongly, creating a partial negative charge (δ-) on the chlorine and a partial positive charge (δ+) on the carbon.

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Because in CH4 the valence electrons of Carbon are being pulled away from the nucleus with the same force (since all hydrogen has the same electronegativity).So charges are equally distributed throughout the atom and the atom is non-polar. In CH3Cl Cl has a different electronegativity than H, so charges aren't equally distributed and therefore the molecule is polar.

If the reaction is at dynamic equilibrium at 500 K, which statement applies to the given chemical system?The forward and reverse reactions no longer occur.
The rates of the forward and reverse reactions are unequal.
The concentrations of the products and reactants do not change.
The forward reaction stops at 500 K.



A reversible chemical reaction is said to be in equilibrium if the rate of forward reaction is equal to the rate of backward reaction. At this stage, the concentrations of the products and the reactants remain constant, that is, there is no net change in the concentration even though the reacting species are moving between the forward and the backward reaction.

If the reaction is at dynamic equilibrium at 500 K, the statement that applies to the given chemical system is The concentrations of the products and reactants do not change.

What is a spelling bee​


Answer: a contest in which you are eliminated if you fail to spell a word correctly.

a contest where you attempt to spell a series of words that you are given by the judges