A(n) _____ of an class is where the services or behaviors of the class is defined. (Points : 6) operationattribute
abstract class


Answer 1


Operation the correct answer for the given question.


An operation is a template that is used as a template parameter .An operation defined the services and behaviors of the class .The operation is directly invoked on instance .

Attribute define the property of an entity it is not defined the services and behaviors of the class. so this option is incorrect.

Class is the class of variable of method it is not defined the services and behaviors of the class  so this option is incorrect.

Object are the rub time entity .object are used access the property of a class it is not defined the services and behaviors of the class  so this option is incorrect.

Abstract class is the class which have not full implementation of all the method .it is not defined the services and behaviors of the class  so this option is incorrect.

So the correct answer is operation.

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Top-down design allows a programmer to take a complex idea, break it down into high-level tasks which can be further broken down into more detailed sub-tasks (Evans, Martin, & Poatsy, 2018). The larger a program gets, the more important it is to have a clear design. It is easier to fix an error during the design phase than the coding phase. If the design is flawed, a programmer can end up having to delete or rewrite large portions of code. Reworking large portions of a design is preferable to rewriting large portions of code. Even small programs can become overwhelming with a number of tasks to perform. Hierarchy Chart (hierarchical diagram) shows the breakdown of a system to its lowest manageable parts. It is a top-down modular design tool, constructed of rectangles (that represents the different modules in a system) and lines that connect them. The lines explain the connection and/or ownership between the different modules among the system just like in an organizational chart. main purpose is to describe the structure and hierarchy of an entity. This entity could be a strategy, event, software program, and so on. The hierarchy chart is suitable in any situation that aims to present the organized structure of a material or an abstract entity.

An attacker is intent on disturbing the communication by inserting bogus packets into the communications. A. Discuss whether such an attack would succeed in systems protected by IPsec.
B. Discuss whether such an attack would succeed in systems protected by SSL.



A. No, it would not succeed.

B. Yes, the attack will succeed.


In the seven-layer OSI model of computer networking, packet strictly refers to a protocol data unit at layer 3, the network layer. So if an attacker wants to insert bogus/ fake packets this will happen at the network layer.

A. IPSec works on network layer (the IP layer) of the OSI model protecting and authenticating IP packets. It provides data integrity, authentication and confidentiality between participating peers at the IP layer.

Thus, inserting bogus packets into the communications by an attacker will not have any affect on security of a system which has IPSec security and therefore it will not succeed.

B. SSL/TLS is an application layer protocol that fits into layer 5 to 7 of the OSI model. However, an attack by inserting bogus packets into the communications will succeed as SSL only provides protection for layer 5 to 7 and not the network layer.

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Explanation: Stand-alone application is the application that is found on the system of every client.In accordance with the IT section, Business intelligence can be transferred into stand-alone application .This helps in the development of the essence of the system at an independent level.

Other options are incorrect because supporting a certain factor will not make it independent, cannot act as the group of ISs technology or web system for gaining profit.Thus,the correct option is option(a).

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology in communication?


The advantages and the disadvantages of the communication with the used of the technology are: Quickly communicate and the lack of privacy.

What is communication?

The term communication refers to the exchange of thoughts, ideas, and messages that are shared between two or more people. Without language, a person can survive, but without communication, no one can survive. Communication is divided into two categories, such as interpersonal and intrapersonal.

Advantages of the communication with the used of the technology are:

  • Quickly communicate.
  • Easy to used.
  • Managed the data and share the data easily.

Disadvantages of the communication with the used of the technology are:

  • Privacy issues.
  • Hacking Data.
  • They recover the data all the time not to the easy.

Hence, the significance of the communication are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on communication, here:





First, the evolution of technology is beneficial to humans for several reasons. At the medical level, technology can help treat more sick people and consequently save many lives and combat very harmful viruses and bacteria.

2-Technology has also increased the productivity of almost every industry in the world. Thanks to technology, we can even pay with bitcoins instead of using banks


1-Lack of Privacy. You might think that a quick text or IM offers more privacy than a telephone call in a crowded room. ...

2-Distraction from Real Life. ...

3-Potential for Misunderstanding. ...

4-Decline of Grammar and Spelling...

5- Near people are far and far people are near through communication technology. we have no time to sit with our relatives but constantly communicate far away people . I think this is biggest disadvantage


Consider the following class definition.public class Tester
privtae int num1;
private int num2;
/missing constructor /
The following statement appears in a method in a class other than Tester. It is intended t o create a new Tester object t with its attributes set to 10 and 20.
Tester t = new Tester(10,20);

Which can be used to replace / missing constructor / so that the object t is correctly created?




The following constructor needs to be added to the code so that the object called t can be created correctly...

public Tester(int arg1, int arg2) {

    num1 = arg1;

    num2 = arg2;


This basic constructor will allow the object to be created correctly and will take the two arguments passed to the object and apply them to the private int variables in the class. The question does not state what exactly the Tester constructor is supposed to accomplish so this is the basic format of what it needs to do for the object to be created correctly.

Define a function below called average_strings. The function takes one argument: a list of strings. Complete the function so that it returns the average length of the strings in the list. An empty list should have an average of zero. Hint: don't forget that in order to get a string's length, you need the len function.


The required code written in python 3 which returns the average of the strings in a list goes thus :

def average_strings(string_list):


total_length = 0


if len(string_list)==0:

#checksofthe stringisempty

return 0


for word in string_list :

total_length += len(word)

#addthelength ofeachstringtothetotallengthofthe string.

return total_length / len(string_list)


A sample run of the function is given here and the output attached.

string_list = ['dog', 'cat', 'mouse']


Learn more :brainly.com/question/15352352


def average_strings(lst):

   total = 0

   if len(lst) == 0:

       return 0

   for s in lst:

       total += len(s)

   return total / len(lst)


Create a function called average_strings that take one parameter, lst

Initialize a total to hold the length of the strings in lst

If the length of lst is 0, return 0

Otherwise create a for loop that iterates through the lst. Calculate the length of each string in lst and add it to total

When the loop is done, return the average, total length of the strings divided by length of the lst