What is not recyclable in a
hybrid car
hydrogen car
petrol car


Answer 1

There are different aspect of cars that cannot be recyclable. In petrol cars, The aspect that cannot be recycled is  used gear oil, windshield wiper solution, brake fluid, power steering fluid, etc.

This is because they are very toxic substances, as they have lead and poisonous ethylene glycol in them.

  • A lot of electric and hybrid cars often uses different kinds of lithium-ion batteries and nickel metal hydride batteries that are used and not all part are recyclable.

  • In hydrogen car, their fuel cells is not to have some measure of recyclable.  The Fuel cells has some recyclable materials but not all.

Learn more about recyclable from


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Search Object


Qlikview is a form of computer software application that is basically used in analytics explanation. In order to search for information anywhere in the document inside the Qlikview application, a form of sheet object referred to as SEARCH OBJECT is utilized.

Hence, in this case, In QlikView, SEARCH OBJECT is used to search for information anywhere in the document.

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Following is given the data as required.

The images for histograms for age and gender are also attached below.

I hope it will help you!


In C++, write a program that asks the user to input an integer and then calls a function namedmultiplicationTable(), which displays the results of multiplying the integer by each
of the numbers 2 through 10.



//Program in C++.

// header

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// function to multiply number with 2-10

void multiplicationTable(int num)


   cout<<"Number when multiplied with 2-10:"<<endl;

   for(int a=2;a<=10;a++)


   // multiply number with 2-10

      cout << num << " * " << a << " = " << num*a << endl;



// driver function

int main()


// variable

   int num;

   cout<<"Enter a number:";

   // read number from user


   // call the function


return 0;



Read a number from user and assign it to variable "num".Call the function  multiplicationTable() with parameter "num".In this function, multiply number  with each from 2 to 10 and print the value.


Enter a number:5                                                                                                          

Number when multiplied with 2-10:                                                                                          

5 * 2 = 10                                                                                                                

5 * 3 = 15                                                                                                                

5 * 4 = 20                                                                                                                

5 * 5 = 25                                                                                                                

5 * 6 = 30                                                                                                                

5 * 7 = 35                                                                                                                

5 * 8 = 40                                                                                                                

5 * 9 = 45                                                                                                                

5 * 10 = 50

Which of the following is an example of computer hardware App
Web browser



its mircrochip



i think  either microchip or an app im not sure

the other answers smarter than mine make him brainliest


Write an if-else statement with multiple branches. If givenYear is 2101 or greater, print "Distant future" (without quotes). Else, if givenYear is 2001 or greater (2001-2100), print "21st century".



import java.util.Scanner;

public class num9 {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("Enter year");

       int givenYear =in.nextInt();


           System.out.println("Distant Future");


       else if(givenYear>=2001){

           System.out.println("21st Century");





  • Using Java programming Language
  • Import Scanner class to receive user input of the variable givenYear
  • Use if statement to check the first condition if(givenYear>=2101)
  • Use else if statement to check the second condition if(givenYear>=2001)
  • print Distant future and 21st century respectively

A retail company assigns a $5000 store bonus if monthly sales are $100,000 or more. Additionally, if their sales exceed 125% or more of their monthly goal of $90,000, then all employees will receive a message stating that they will get a day off. When your pseudocode is complete, test the following monthly sales and ensure that the output matches the following. If your output is different, then review your decision statements.Monthly Sales Expected Output
monthlySales 102500 You earneda $5000 bonus!
monthlySales = 90000
monthlySales 112500 You earned a $5000 bonus!
All employees get one day off!



To answer this question, i prepared a pseudocode and a program written in python;

Pseudocode begins here:

1. Start

2. Input montlySales

3. If monthlySales < 100000

3.1. Display Nothing

4. Else

4.1 Display “You earned a $5000 bonus!”

4.2 If monthlySales > 1.25 * 90000

4.2.1 Display “All employees get one day off!”

5.     Stop

Python Program starts here (See attachment for proper view of the program):

#Prompt user for input

monthlySales = float(input("Monthly Sales: "))

#Check monthlySales

if monthlySales < 100000:



     print("You earned a $5,000 bonus")

     if monthlySales > 1.25 * 90000:

           print("All Employees get the day off")


To answer this question, a conditional if statement is needed.

The pseudocode (and the program) starts by prompting user for input;

Then, the user input is first compared with 100,000

If it's less than 100,000; then nothing is displayes

However, if it is at least 100,000

"You earned a $5,000 bonus" is displayed

It further checks if the user input is greater than 125% of 90,000

If yes, "All Employees get the day off" is displayed else, nothing is displayed.

The pseudocode (and the program) stops execution, afterwards