Describe how a web browser and web server work together to send a web page to a user


Answer 1

TCP/IP, a network protocol, is used by a browser to connect to a web server and launch a Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The HTTP tries to get info and provide it for displays.

What is a web page?

A web page is a straightforward document that a browser can see. These documents are created using the HTML coding system. Tsi involves the data and the content that can be presented online.

The consumer must either type in URL for the page they want to access via the web or click on the hyperlink that contains the URL.

The Ip identifies the Website browser's Web address, and for the Search engine to comprehend it, they must both utilize the very same normal procedure. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the preferred means of communication here between a web browser and a server (HTTP).

Learn more about web page, here:


Answer 2
Answer: In order to get a page from the web , the user must type the Internet Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the page he or she wants, or click on the link that provides the URL. The URL specifies the Internet address of the Web browser to be understood by the Web browser, they must use the same standard protocol. The standard protocol for communication between Web browser and a Web server is Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). 

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Initialize a list. ACTIVITY Initialize the list short.names with strings 'Gus', Bob, and 'Ann'. Sample output for the given program Gus Bob Ann 1 short_names- Your solution goes here 2 # print names 4 print(short_names[0])



shortNames = ['Gus', 'Bob','Zoe']


In this assignment, your knowledge of list is been tested. A list is data structure type in python that can hold different elements (items) of different type. The general syntax of a list is

listName = [item1, "item2", item3]

listName refers to the name of the list variable, this is followed by a pair of square brackets, inside the square brackets we have items separated by commas. This is a declaration and initialization of a list with some elements.

The complete python code snippet for this assignment is given below:

shortNames = ['Gus', 'Bob','Zoe']




Write a function in Matlab which takes as input an integer x and as output returns the biggest prime number that is less than or equal to x. For example, if the input is 7, the output would be 7. If the input is 40, the output would be 37. (Reminder: isprime.)




The objective is to write a Matlab function getPrime()


function prime = getPrime(x) %function definition for getPrime which receives x as input and returns prime.

   while (x >= 1) % loop until x is zero.

       if isprime(x) % matlab built-in function to check if x is a prime number.

           prime = x; % assign x to prime.

           break % break out of loop. we got the prime number value in variable prime.


       x = x - 1; % when x is not prime, x is decremented by 1 and loop continues.



prime = getPrime(12); % passes 12 to function.

disp(prime) % display value in prime. 11 is the output since it is the biggest prime number below 12.

Assign True to the variable has_dups if the string s1 has any duplicate character (that is if any character appears more than once) and False otherwise.Here is the answer I wrote:

i = []
for i in range(len([s1])):
if s1.count(s1[i]) > 1:
has_dups = True
elif s1.count(s1[i]) = 1:
has_dups = False

Here is the message I got from the system:

Solutions with your approach don't usually use: elif

Please Help me to correct it.


i dont know the language of the code
probably you have sintacs mistakes in it

has_dups = false
for i in range(len([s1])):
has_dups = has_dups || s1.count(s1[i]) > 1

Suppose that each country completely specializes in the production of the good in which it has a comparative advantage, producing only that good. Inthis case, the country that produces rye will produce million bushels per week, and the country that produces jeans will produce

million pairs per week.



In  this case, the country that produces rye will produce 24 million bushels per week, and the country that produces jeans will produce 64  million pairs per week.


Total labor hour = 4 million hour

Number of bushes produce in 1 hour = 6

⇒total bushes produce = 6*4 = 24 million

∴ we get

The country that produces rye will produce 24 million bushels per week


Total labor hour = 4 million hour

Number of pairs produce in 1 hour = 16

⇒total bushes produce = 16*4 = 64 million

∴ we get

The country that produces jeans will produce 64  million pairs per week.

Effective display designs must provide all the necessary data in the proper sequence to carry out the task. Identify a recent personal user experience where it either was very clear or very unclear about what the sequence of steps was necessary to complete a task. What made that experience memorable?


Answer and Explanation::

Effective display designs must provide all the necessary data in the proper sequence to carry out the task

Elegance and Simplicity

Scale, Contrast, and Proportion

Organization and Visual Structure

Module and Program

Image and Representation


identify a recent personal user experience where it either was very clear or very unclear about what the sequence of steps was necessary to complete a task:-

designer will consider the Why, What and How of product use. The Why involves the users’ motivations for adopting a product, whether they relate to a task they wish to perform with it, or to values and views associated with the ownership and use of the product. The What addresses the things people can do with a product—its functionality. Finally, the How relates to the design of functionality in an accessible and aesthetically pleasant way. UX designers start with the Why before determining the What and then, finally, the How in order to create products that users can form meaningful experiences with. In software designs, designers must ensure the product’s “substance” comes through an existing device and offers a seamless, fluid experience.

Design goals help us stay focused on what we've determined to be most important in a project. They can serve as a quality check by making sure the designs meet the intended goals. These are typically at a high level and can be thought of as driving principles for a particular project. These can be thought of as related to if not the same as the benefits described in the problem statement. The design goals are likely fuzzy at the beginning of the project. The goals should be revisited and iterated on early and often.

this things user should be clear about:-

Don't change the display of information between editing and displaying edited information (i.e. wysiwyg).

Don't require user to leave or change their context to edit information.

Make it clear that changes can be made and to what.

Give users edit tools that make sense for their specific context. Don't clutter with every possible edit tool.

Smooth & easy keyboard interaction.

Allow users to easily see and use the edit tools they need (as opposed to giving them many tools that aren't relevant or useful most of the time).

Give users feedback and confidence about what is saved.

Give users an easy way to back out (i.e. undo change & error recovery).

Instant editing

Allow user to complete their task without being distracted by software or losing train of thought (i.e. while they are reading text they can easily make a quick edit).

Give users access to information they need to complete their task (i.e. information on other pages, etc.).

Assist users in not making mistakes with their edits. If mistakes are made, we need to give them an easy way to identify and correct.

What made that experience memorable:-

this things makes experience memorable

1. Make an Impression

2. Tell a Story

3. Use Color Effectively

4. Do Something Fun

5. Engage the Senses

6. Mix It Up

7. Remember the Finish

Which of the following statements is true of recombinant batteries? A. They recombine oxygen.
B. They're able to produce a higher voltage.
C. They're vented to release gassing.
D. They recombine sulfuric acid.


I’d go for (A) as the right choice.

The basic principles of Oxygen-recombination chemistry hasbeen combined to traditional lead batteries technology to produceValve-regulated lead-acid battery (VRLA), also called recombinant batteries. The applicationof oxygen cycle to VRLA, at first, is much more difficult. However, if correctprinciples are followed, it becomes easy.