If the total energy change of an system during a process is 15.5 kJ, its change in kinetic energy is -3.5 kJ, and its potential energy is unchanged, calculate its change in specificinternal energy if its mass is 5.4 kg. Report your answer in kJ/kg to one decimal place.


Answer 1


The change in specific internal energy is 3.5 kj.




Total change in energy is 15.5 kj.

Change in kinetic energy is –3.5 kj.

Change in potential energy is 0 kj.

Mass is 5.4 kg.



Change in internal energy is calculated as follows:

\bigtriangleup E=\bigtriangleup KE+\bigtriangleup PE+\bigtriangleup U15.5=-3.5+0+\bigtriangleup U

\bigtriangleup U=19 kj.


Specific internal energy is calculated as follows:

\bigtriangleup u=(\bigtriangleup U)/(m)

\bigtriangleup u=(19)/(5.4)

\bigtriangleup u=3.5 kj/kg.

Thus, the change in specific internal energy is 3.5 kj/kg.

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=> base transport factor = 0.98.

=> emitter injection efficiency = 0.99.

=> common-base current gain = 0.97.

=> common-emitter current gain = 32.34.

=> ICBO = 1 × 10^-6 A.

=> base transit time = 0.325.

=> lifetime = 1.875.


(Kindly check the attachment for the diagram showing the dominant current components, with proper arrows, for directions in the normal active mode).

The following parameters or data are given for a p-n-p BJT with NE 7 NB 7 NC and they are: IEp = 10 mA, IEn = 100 mA, ICp = 9.8 mA, and ICn = 1 mA.

(1). The base transport factor = ICp/IEp=9.8/10 =  0.98.

(2). emitter injection efficiency =IEp/ IEp + ICn = 10/10 + 0.1 =  0.99.

(3).common-base current gain = 0.98 × 0.99 = 0.9702.

(4).common-emitter current gain =0.97 / 1- 0.97  = 32.34.

(5). Icbo = Ico = 1 × 10^-6 A.

(6). base transit time = 1248 × 10^-2 × (1.38× 10^-23/1.603 × 10^-19). = 0.325.


= > 2 = √0.325 + √ lifetime.

= Lifetime = 2.875.

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Please see attachment for step by step guide

Considering only (110), (1 1 0), (101), and (10 1 ) as the possible slip planes, calculate the stress at which a BCC single crystal will yield if the critical resolved shear stress is 50 MPa and the load is applied in the [100] direction.


Solution :

i. Slip plane (1 1 0)

Slip direction -- [1 1 1]

Applied stress direction = ( 1 0 0 ]

τ = 50 MPa    ( Here slip direction must be perpendicular to slip plane)

τ = σ cos Φ cos λ

$\cos \phi = ((1,0,0) \cdot (1,1,0))/(1 * \sqrt2)$

       $=(1)/(\sqrt2 )$

$\cos \lambda = ((1,0,0) \cdot (1,-1,1))/(1 * \sqrt3)$

       $=(1)/(\sqrt3 )$

  τ = σ cos Φ cos λ

$50= \sigma * (1)/(\sqrt2) * (1)/(\sqrt3) $

  σ = 122.47 MPa

ii. Slip plane  --- (1 1 0)

   Slip direction -- [1 1 1]

  $\cos \phi = ((1, 0, 0) \cdot (1, -1, 0))/(1 * \sqrt2) =(1)/(\sqrt2)$

   $\cos \lambda = ((1, 0, 0) \cdot (1, 1, -1))/(1 * \sqrt3) =(1)/(\sqrt3)$

 τ = σ cos Φ cos λ

$50= \sigma * (1)/(\sqrt2) * (1)/(\sqrt3) $

  σ = 122.47 MPa

iii. Slip plane  --- (1 0 1)

    Slip direction --- [1 1 1]

$\cos \phi = ((1, 0, 0) \cdot (1, 0, 1))/(1 * \sqrt2) =(1)/(\sqrt2)$

   $\cos \lambda = ((1, 0, 0) \cdot (1, 1, -1))/(1 * \sqrt3) =(1)/(\sqrt3)$

τ = σ cos Φ cos λ

$50= \sigma * (1)/(\sqrt2) * (1)/(\sqrt3) $

  σ = 122.47 MPa

iv. Slip plane -- (1 0 1)

    Slip direction  ---- [1 1 1]

$\cos \phi = ((1, 0, 0) \cdot (1, 0, -1))/(1 * \sqrt2)=(1)/(\sqrt2)$

$\cos \lambda = ((1, 0, 0) \cdot (1, -1, 1))/(1 * \sqrt3) =(1)/(\sqrt3)$

τ = σ cos Φ cos λ

$50= \sigma * (1)/(\sqrt2) * (1)/(\sqrt3) $

  σ = 122.47 MPa

∴ (1, 0, -1). (1, -1, 1) = 1 + 0 - 1 = 0

What is the function of deaerator in thermal power plant? ​



The function of the Deaerator is to remove dissolved non-condensable gases and to heat boiler feed water.


A 78-percent efficient 12-hp pump is pumping water from a lake to a nearby pool at a rate of 1.5 ft3/s through a constant-diameter pipe. The free surface of the pool is 32 ft above that of the lake. Determine the irreversible head loss of the piping system, in ft, and the mechanical power used to overcome it. Take the density of water to be 62.4 lbm/ft3.



irreversible head loss is 38.51 ft

mechanical power 6.55 hp


Given data:

Pump Power 12 hp = 8948.39 watt = 6600 lbs ft/sec

Q = 1.5 ft^3/s

Pump actually delivers P'  = \eta P = 0.78 * 8948.39 = 6979.74 watt

Power that water gains= mgh = \rho \phi gh = r \phi h

P = 62.4 * 1.5 * 32 = 2995.2 lbs ft/sec

hence Power lost = 6600 - 2995.2  3604.8 lbs ft/sec = 6.55 hp

head losshl = (3604.8)/(r \phi) = (3604.8)/(62.4 * 1.5)

hl = 38.51 ft

How to find magnitude of net electric charge when current flows through a capacitor with initial charge?







How to find magnitude of net electric charge when current flows through a capacitor with initial charge?

A capacitor is a device used in storing electric charges. The unit of capacitance is measured in farad

To find the magnitude of net electric charge in a capacitor, we use the following relation


Q=the magnitude of net electric charge in coulombs

t=the time for an electron tpo pass through the capacitor

R=the resistance of the capacitor , measured in ohms

C=the capacitance of the capacitor measures in Farad

q=initial quantity of charge

Having all the parameters above will make it possible to determine the net electric charge

Recall also that


quantity (coulombs)=current*time(s)