MgCl2 +?g
Ll2CO3 →
MgCO3 +

solve this


Answer 1


MgCl₂ = 94 g


Law of conservation of mass:

According to the law of conservation mass, mass can neither be created nor destroyed in a chemical equation.


This law was given by french chemist  Antoine Lavoisier in 1789. According to this law mass of reactant and mass of product must be equal, because masses are not created or destroyed in a chemical reaction.

For example:

Chemical equation:

MgCl₂ + Li₂CO₃  → MgCO₃ + 2LiCl

 ?        +    75 g  =    135 g + 34 g

The mass of reactant and product must be equal. That's why,

135+ 34 = 169 on product side

94 + 75 = 169 on reactant side

MgCl₂ + Li₂CO₃    →    MgCO₃ + 2LiCl

  94    +    75 g     =    135 g + 34 g

      169 g             =        169 g

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Describe a procedure to separate a mixture of sugar, black pepper, and pebbles.


Answer : The procedure to separate the mixture of sugar, black pepper and pebbles would require physical methods.

First step is to pass the mixture through a grid that traps the pebbles in it and allows the passage of black pepper and sugar from it or alternatively, physically hand-picking up the pebbles can also be done.

Next step is to add water to the mixture to the sugar and black pepper, stir this solution until all the sugar dissolves in the water. Then pass this solution from a filter paper and collect the filtrate in a beaker.

The residue would contain the black pepper on it, it can be dried after separation.

To obtain the sugar which is dissolved in water, one can evaporate the water in it and get the sugar at the bottom of the beaker.

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Aqueous solution of copper sulphate is acidic . Why?




Aqueous solution of copper sulphate

​is acidic in nature, as when copper sulphate on dissolving with water, following chemical reaction takes place :

CuSO4 + 2 H2O ====> Cu(OH)2 + H2 SO4

​As we can see, copper hydroxide and sulphuric acid is generated in this chemical reaction.Copper hydroxide is a weak base whereas sulphuric acid is a very strong acid which results into increase in acidity of the solution.

Thus, the aqueous solution of copper sulphate is acidic in nature.

Calculate the % Oxygen in NaHCO3


57.13% is the mass percent of oxygen in sodium bicarbonate. Mass percentage, also known as weight percentage or mass percent.

Mass percentage, also known as weight percentage, is a way of expressing the concentration of a component in a mixture or a compound. It represents the mass of the component (usually expressed in grams) per 100 grams of the mixture or compound. Mass percentage is commonly used in chemistry and other scientific fields to quantify the amount of a particular substance relative to the total mass of the mixture.

Na = 22.99 g/mol

H = 1.00 g/mol

C = 12.01 g/mol

O = 15.99 g/mol

Molar Mass of solution = (22.99 g/mol) + (1.00 g/mol) + (12.01 g/mol) + (15.99 g/mol x 3)

                                     = 83.97 g/mol

(47.97 g/mol) / (83.97 g/mol) x 100 = 57.13%

To know more about mass percent, here:



Molar mass of NaHCO3 = 84.00661 g/mo


This compound is also known as Baking Soda or Sodium Bicarbonate.

Convert grams NaHCO3 to moles  or  moles NaHCO3 to grams

Molecular weight calculation:

22.98977 + 1.00794 + 12.0107 + 15.9994*3

Blank occurs when heat is transferred into an object through motion or movement an example would be boiling water


Conduction occurs when heat is transferred into an object through motion or movement

During an experiment a student measured the temperature of water while it boiled in a pot on a stove. The temperature of the water stayed at 100°C during the entire time that the water was boiling.



The temperature of the water stayed at 100^(0) C because the temperature of a pure water does not increase at its boiling point, 100^(0) C. This is due to latent heat of vaporisation.


During a change of state of a substance, the temperature does not change due to latent heat of the substance. Latent heat is the amount of heat required to convert a unit mass of a substance from one state to another without a change in its temperature. There are two types of latent heat, latent heat of fusion anf latent heat of vaporisation.

So during the experiment, the water got to its boiling point and continues to boil at this constant temperature until it would change completely to steam at that temperature. After the conversion process, the temperature begins to increase.

The latent heat of vaporisation came into action during the process of boiling the water at constant temperature. That's why the temperature of the water did not increase even after reaching its boiling point (100^(0) C ).


c,interpretation of the data


A good scientific explanation needs to be based on both data collected in an investigation and on the ability to interpret what the data means.

Normally, adding heat energy increases the temperature of a substance. However, during a phase change, the temperature of the substance stays constant. This happens because the heat energy is being used to change the phase of the matter instead of the temperature.

- How do scientists measure the strength of acids and bases? Describe this scale.


pH scale ranges from 0 (highly acidic) – 14 (highly alkaline). The pH of a neutral solution is 7.  Acidic solution is represented by a value less than 7 on the pH scale.

What is pH scale?

pH, quantitative measure of the acidity or basicity of aqueous or other liquid solutions.

Scientists use something called the pH scale to measure how acidic or basic a liquid is.

Although there may be many types of ions in a solution, pH focuses on concentrations of hydrogen ions (H^+) and hydroxide ions (OH^-).

The scale measures values from 0 all the way up to 14. Distilled water is 7 (right in the middle).

pH scale ranges from 0 (highly acidic) – 14 (highly alkaline). The pH of a neutral solution is 7.  Acidic solution is represented by a value less than 7 on the pH scale.

Learn more about pH scale here:



they us the pH(potential Hydrogen) scale


Reds are strong acids

yellows are weak acids

green is neutral

blue is kinda basic

and purple is super basic

keep in mind, this is just the litmus paper scale