If a platinum wire has a resistance of 15 Ω and is connected across the terminals of a 3.0 V flashlight battery, how much current is in the wire?


Answer 1

The voltage is presented by the equation V = IR where V is voltage in V, I is current in amperes ad R is resistance in ohms. If a platinum wire has a resistance of 15 Ω and is connected across the terminals of a 3.0 V flashlight battery, the current can be solved through V= IR, 3.0 V = I (15 Ω), and the current is 0.2 A.

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KE=(1/2)mv²  ⇒ v=√(2KE/m)

KE=kenetic energy=810 J
m=mass=80 Kg
v=velocity (speed)

v=√(2*810 J/80 Kg)=4.5 m/s.

answer: his speed is 4.5 m/s.

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there will be no pollution

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Given two metal balls (that are identical) with charges LaTeX: q_1q 1and LaTeX: q_2q 2. We find a repulsive force one exerts on the other to be LaTeX: 1.35\times10^{-4}N1.35 × 10 − 4 N when they are 20 cm apart. Accidentally, one the the experimenters causes the balls to collide and then repositions them 20 cm apart . Now the repulsive force is found to be LaTeX: 1.406\times10^{-4}N1.406 × 10 − 4 N. What are the initial charges on the two metal balls?



q_1=\pm0.03 \mu C and q_2=\pm0.02 \mu C.


According to Coulomb's law, the magnitude of  force between two point object having change q_1 and q_2 and by a dicstanced is


Where, \epsilon_0 is the permitivity of free space and

(1)/(4\pi\spsilon_0)=9*10^9 in SI unit.

Before  dcollision:

Charges on both the sphere are q_1 and q_2, d=20cm=0.2m, and F_c=1.35*10^(-4) N

So, from equation (i)


\Rightarrow q_1q_2=6*10^(-16)\;\cdots(ii)

After dcollision: Each ephere have same charge, as at the time of collision there was contach and due to this charge get redistributed which made the charge density equal for both the sphere t. So, both have equal amount of charhe as both are identical.

Charges on both the sphere are mean of total charge, i.e


d=20cm=0.2m, and F_c=1.406*10^(-4) N

So, from equation (i)


\Rightarrow (q_1+q_2)^2=2.50*10^(-15)

\Rightarrow q_1+q_2=\pm5* 10^(-8)

As given that the force is repulsive, so both the sphere have the same nature of charge, either positive or negative, so, here take the magnitude of the charge.

\Rightarrow q_1+q_2=5* 10^(-8)\;\cdots(iii)

\Rightarrow q_1=5* 10^(-8)-q_2

The equation (ii) become:

(5* 10^(-8)-q_2)q_2=6*10^(-16)

\Rightarrow -(q_2)^2+5* 10^(-8)q_2-6*10^(-16)=0

\Rightarrow q_2=3*10^(-8), 2*10^(-8)

From equation (iii)

q_1=2*10^(-8), 3*10^(-8)

So, the magnitude of initial charges on both the sphere are 3*10^(-8) Coulombs=0.03 \mu C and 2*10^(-8) Colombs or 0.02 \mu C.

Considerion the nature of charges too,

q_1=\pm0.03 \mu C and q_2=\pm0.02 \mu C.

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The period of the wave is the reciprocal of its frequency.

       1 / (5 per second)  =  0.2 second .

The wavelength is irrelevant to the period.  But since you
gave it to us, we can also calculate the speed of the wave.

Wave speed = (frequency) x (wavelength)

                   = (5 per second) x (1cm)  =  5 cm per second

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the velocity is 200


the average velocity is 200

Consider two metallic rods mounted on insulated supports. One is neutral, the other positively charged. You bring the two rods close to each, but without contact, and briefly ground the the neutral rod by touching it with your hand.


Answer:The rod touching your hand will have a Negative charge.

Explanation: This phenomenon is described as charging by induction,the other iron rod became charged as a result the repulsion force existing between the positively charged iron rod and the electronic forces around the election sphere. This make it different from the charging done by contact where both iron rods have close contact and electron transfer is achieved through contact. The shows that an electric charge can be persuaded and caused to transfer to another metallic particle without physical contact with the charged metallic particle.


The initial neutral rod would be induced with negative charges.


This process is called charging by induction. When you bring the charged rod close to that of the neutral, the charges in it would be redistributed. The positively charged rod attracts the negative charges within the neutral rod and repel like charges. Touching the neutral with hand causes the positive charge to be neutralised due to earthing. Thus the neutral rod has now been charged negatively.