Ethanol and dimethyl ether have different chemical and physical properties because they have different(1) functional groups
(2) molecular masses
(3) numbers of covalent bonds
(4) percent compositions by mass


Answer 1

Answer: (1) functional groups


The compounds having similar molecular formula but different arrangement of atoms or groups in space are called isomers and the phenomenon is called as isomerism.  

Functional groups are specific group of atoms within molecules that are responsible for the characteristic chemical reactions of those molecules.

Dimethyl ether (CH_3OCH_3) and ethanol (C_2H_5OH) are functional isomers which have same molecular formula but different functional groups attached and thus have different physical and chemical properties.

They have same number of atoms and thus have similar molecular mass of 46 and same percent composition by mass. The number of covalent bonds are 8 in both compounds.

Answer 2
Answer: Ethanol and Dimethyl Ether have different functional groups due to the earlier being an Alcohol with functional group (COOH)  and the latter an Ether with functional group (R-- O --R).  This is the reason why they are chemically and physically different compounds.

(Option 1)

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1mole of propane produced 4 moles of water
44g of propane produced 18×4=72g of water
2moles of propane=2×44=88
x=144.0grams option (a)

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whoever gave u this homework, doesnt really understand the concept

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Answer: (1) H+ ions in aqueous solution

Base your answers to questions 76 through 79 on the information below and on your knowledge of chemistry.During a laboratory activity, a student places 25.0 mL of HCl(aq) of unknown concentration into a flask. The student adds four drops of phenolphthalein to the solution in the flask. The solution is titrated with 0.150 M KOH(aq) until the solution appears faint pink. The volume of KOH (aq) added is 18.5 mL.

76 What number of significant figures is used to express the concentration of the KOH (aq)?

77 Complete the equation in your answer booklet for the neutralization reaction that occurs during the titration.

HCl + KOH--> ________________

78 Determine the concentration of the HCl(aq) solution, using the titration data.

79 Describe one laboratory safety procedure that should be used if a drop of the KOH(aq) is spilled on the arm of the student.


The precaution taken when KOH is dropped on the arm of a student is to apply plenty water over the affected area.

What is titration?

The term titration has to do with a reaction between an acid and a base to form salt and water only.

In this reaction, we have; KOH + HCl -----> KCl + H2O. The concentration of KOH was expressed to two significant figures.

The concentration of HCl is obtained from;

0.150 M * 18.5 mL * 1/25.0 mL * 1 = 0.11 M

The precaution taken when KOH is dropped on the arm of a student is to apply plenty water over the affected area.

Learn more about


76. 3 significant figures
77. KCl +H(little)2O
78. 0.1M
79. rinse it off with water or tell the teacher
Hope this helps :)

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