In “Those Winter Sundays,” the narrator’s recalls his life at home as a child as anything but pleasant. However, when looking back years later, he realizes: a)
His father was an inconsiderate, selfish person.

His father may have been harsh, but he acted out of duty and love.

His father wasn’t really his father at all.

His father had many secrets hidden from the family.


Answer 1
Answer: Answer: b) His father may have been harsh, but he acted out of duty and love. 

The speaker's father has unique ways of showing love to his family. He was working all week to provide for the family but may be strict in house rules that his child was against it. The speaker then realized that everything his father did was for their benefit.

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which statement best describes edwards’s views in "sinners in the hands of an angry god"? people who accepted puritanism would be spared. people who were "born again" in christ would be spared. people who attended church regularly would be spared. people who were part of edwards's congregation would be spared.


The answer is the second one which is " People who were "born again" in Christ would be spared." This is a run of the mill sermon of the Great Awakening, underscoring the conviction that Hell is a genuine place. Edwards trusted that the symbolism and dialect of his sermon would stir gatherings of people to the awful reality that he accepted anticipated them should they proceed with existence without dedication to Christ.

Johnathan Edward's views in "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" is based on the idea that people who were "born again" in christ would be spared.

Further Explanation:

Johnathan Edwards gave his famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" during the First Great Awakening. The First Great Awakening refers to the religious revivalist movement of the 1730's and 1740's that took place in the British colonies in the North American continent. One of the most significant causes of this religious revival movement was the European Enlightenment and its continuing criticism/questioning of the church. Along with this, reduced participation in church services and organized religion also fueled people like Edwards.

To convince people to reaffirm their faith, preachers like Edwards discussed the possibility of being "born again." This religious experience focuses on an interaction that an individual has with God through a dream or vision that compels them back into practicing the Christian faith. Edwards and other preachers argued that this "born again" experience would bring salvation and forgiveness for those who accepted Christ after these experiences.

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Key Details:

Topic: American History, First Great Awakening

Grade Level: 9-12, College

Keywords: Johnathan Edwards, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, First Great Awakening.