When ________ are added to an atomic nucleus, energy is produced and this is called a fusion reaction.a. protons
b. neutrons
c. protons or neutrons
d. protons, neutrons or electrons


Answer 1

When neutrons are added to an atomic nucleus, energy is produced and this is called a fusion reaction. The answer is letter B. To be exact, two nuclei combine to produce a more stable nucleus. The positive charge on both nuclei result in a large electrostatic energy barrier to fusion.

Answer 2

The correct answer is c because the nuc are combing more protns and neutrons. The answer suposed to be protons and neutrons NOT PROTONS OR NEUTRONS?!!

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Answer: We are able to smell it because the particles move from their high concentration to low concentration and mix with the gases present in the atmosphere and thus we are able to smell it.

Diffusion is a process in which a movement of substance takes place from a high concentration area to a low concentration area due to the random movement of the particles. Diffusion happens in gases more faster than liquids and solids because of the random movement of their particles.

Other substances exhibiting this behavior is perfume, incense sticks and cooking of food etc.

This is the process of diffusion and is exhibited by gases. The compounds responsible for the smell of onions are released into the air and diffuse through out the house due to random molecular movement. This allows you to smell them at the entrance of your house.

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If a reaction system has come to equilibrium, the concentration of products can be increased by applying Le Châtelier’s principle. The answer is letter C. The statements "only if it is not reversible",  "only if the temperature is low enough" and "under no circumstances" do not answer the question above.

"For the following compound with three carbonyl groups, can you rank these carbonyl groups in order of increasing wavenumber in an infrared (IR) spectrum, and explain the reasoning behind the ranking?"



The wavenumber of absorption peaks in an infrared (IR) spectrum is related to the vibrational frequencies of chemical bonds within a molecule. Different functional groups and bond types exhibit characteristic wavenumbers in the IR spectrum. When ranking carbonyl groups in a compound by increasing wavenumber, you can consider the following principles:

1. Single bonds vibrate at lower wavenumbers than double bonds.

2. Carbon-oxygen double bonds (C=O) vibrate at higher wavenumbers than carbon-oxygen single bonds (C-O).

3. The presence of electron-withdrawing groups can increase the wavenumber of the carbonyl group.

Based on these principles, here's how you can rank the carbonyl groups in the compound from lowest to highest wavenumber:

1. Carbonyl group without any adjacent electron-withdrawing groups (lowest wavenumber): This carbonyl group, if it's surrounded by alkyl or other non-electron-withdrawing groups, will have the lowest wavenumber since it's less polar and experiences weaker stretching vibrations.

2. Carbonyl group with adjacent electron-withdrawing groups: If a carbonyl group is adjacent to electron-withdrawing groups (e.g., nitro groups, fluorine atoms, etc.), it will have a higher wavenumber. The presence of these groups increases the polarity and strength of the C=O bond, causing it to vibrate at a higher frequency.

3. Carbonyl group in a conjugated system: If a carbonyl group is part of a conjugated system (alternating single and double bonds), it will have the highest wavenumber. Conjugation enhances the electron delocalization and increases the wavenumber of the carbonyl group.

So, in summary, the ranking of carbonyl groups by increasing wavenumber in an IR spectrum would generally be: carbonyl without adjacent electron-withdrawing groups < carbonyl with adjacent electron-withdrawing groups < carbonyl in a conjugated system.

50 grams of acetic acid C2H4O2 are dissolved in 200 g of water. Calculate the weight % and mole fraction of the acetic acid in the solution


50g   of   C_2H_4O_2   in   200g    H_2O


(50)/(200+50)+100\%= (50*100)/(250)\%=20\%

MW of acid = 2*C+4*H+2*O = 2*12+4*1+2*16=




it means that

in 50g of acid there is \approx0.83moles of acid

MW of H_2O = 2*H+O=2*1+16=2+16=18g/mol



it means that:

in 200g of water there is \approx11.11moles of water


(0.83mol)/(11.11mol+0.83mol)= (0.83mol)/(11.94mol)=0.069

So your answers are:


and the mole fraction is:


What is the median of the following set: 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10?


  • Final answer:

The median of the set of numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 is 6 because the median is the middle number in a sorted, ascending or descending, sequence of numbers.


In the field of statistics, the median is the middle value in a set of data that has been arranged in ascending order. If the total number of data values is odd, the median is the middle value. When the count of data values is even, the median is computed as the average of the two middle values. The given data set is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Since this is an odd set of numbers, we set the number in the middle as the median. Thus, the median value here is 6.

Learn more about Median here:

