Which of the following statements is an accurate description of vibrations? A. The frequency of infrasonic vibrations is much too high to be heard by humans.
B. Neither ultrasonic nor infrasonic vibrations can be heard by humans.
C. Infrasonic vibrations are used in sonar equipment as well as to detect flaws in steel castings.
D. Ultrasonic vibrations have a frequency lower than the range for normal hearing.


Answer 1
Answer: The accurate description of vibrations is that, neither ultrasonic nor infrasonic vibrations can be heard by humans. The Infrasonic vibration frequency is lower than 20Hz, whereas ultrasonic vibration frequency is greater than 20,000Hz. The normal range of frequency of hearing for humans is only 20Hz-20,000Hz. 
Answer 2

the answer is B, Good luck!

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The answer is False. The example of heat transfer in this problem is not by radiation, but by conduction. This is because the pot is put directly on the surface of the stove, which is what conduction is - direct contact between two surfaces at different temperatures. Radiation, on the other hand, involves heat transfer by electromagnetic waves such as heat from the sun to the Earth.
If you put a pot on the stove, the pot becomes hot. The heat is transferred to the pot on the burner by radiation. the answer is false

What is heat?What are it's units?​



As a form of energy, heat has the unit joule (J). The standard unit for the rate of heat transferred is the watt (W), defined as one joule per second.

heat is a form of energy therefore the unit of heat is the same as that of energy has the CGS unit of heat is erg and its SI unit is Joule

relationship between Joule and erg is --

10 J = 10⁷ erg

other unit of heat are calories kilocolries

relationship  \: between \:  calorie  \: and \:  joule </p><p>1 calorie = 4 .18 \: j(or \: nearly \: 4.2 \: j \: ) \n  \n 1 \: kilocalorie \:  = 4.18 \:  * 10 \: cube \: j

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The points are: Before the Elevator Accelerates Downward, In Freefall, At Impact

Analyze whether the Normal Force would need to increase, and where the direction of the net force is for each object.






A train is accelerating at a rate of 2 km/hr/s.  If its initial velocity is 20 km/hr, what is its velocity after 30 seconds?


"2 km/hr/s" means that in each second, its engines can increase its speed by 2 km/hr.

If it keeps doing that for 30 seconds, its speed has increased by 60 km/hr.

On top of the initial speed of 20 km/hr, that's 80 km/hr at the end of the 30 seconds.

This whole discussion is of speed, not velocity. Surely, in high school physics,
you've learned the difference by now. There's no information in the question that
says anything about the train's direction, and it was wrong to mention velocity in
the question.  This whole thing could have been taking place on a curved section
of track. If that were the case, it would have taken a team of ace engineers, cranking
their Curtas, to describe what was happening to the velocity.  Better to just stick with

What is the purpose of the CETI program?a. to listen for disturbances in the earth's crust
b. to listen for unlawful broadcasts from rogue nations
c. to listen for signals from outer space
d. to listen for sounds emitted from the ocean


The purpose of the CETI program is c. to listen for signals from outer space. CETI stands for "Communication with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence", and is a program dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial beings and intelligence. It mainly listens to sounds emitted from outer space, and analyzes/deciphers them in case they are part of another civilization.

Forces always act in pairs.



Truer words were never written. Forces do indeed always act in pairs.

The answer to this question would be True