Which ion was formed by providing the second ionization energy to remove an electron? Ca2+ N3– Fe3+ S2–


Answer 1




                           Ionization energy is defined as the minimum amount of energy required to knock out the electron from valence shell of an atom in its gaseous state. While, second Ionization energy is defined as the amount of energy required to knock out the second electron from an ion containing +1 charge in gaseous state.

                            Among given options Ca²⁺ is the correct choice because the calcium has lost two electrons i.e. first electron was removed by providing first ionization energy i.e.

                                       Ca  +  1st IE    →    Ca¹⁺  +  1 e⁻

and second electron is was removed by providing second ionization energy i.e.

                                     Ca ¹⁺  +  2nd IE    →    Ca²⁺  +  1 e⁻

Answer 2

\boxed{{\text{C}}{{\text{a}}^{{\text{2 + }}}}} is formed by providing the second ionization energy to remove an electron.

Further Explanation:

The energy that is needed to remove the most loosely bound valenceelectrons from the isolated neutral gaseous atom is known as the ionization energy. It is denoted by IE. The value of IE is related to the ease of removing the outermost valence electrons. If these electrons are removed so easily, small ionization energy is required and vice-versa. It is inversely proportional to the size of the atom.

Ionization energy is further represented as first ionization, second ionization and so on. When the first electron is removed from a neutral, isolated gaseous atom, the energy needed for the purpose is known as the first ionization energy, written as {\text{I}}{{\text{E}}_{\text{1}}}. Similarly, when the second electron is removed from the positively charged species (cation), the ionization energy is called the second ionization energy \left( {{\text{I}}{{\text{E}}_{\text{2}}}} \right) and so on.

The neutral atom corresponding to {\text{C}}{{\text{a}}^(2 + )} is calcium. If second ionization energy is supplied to calcium atom, it results in the removal of two electrons and thus{\text{C}}{{\text{a}}^(2 + )}  is formed. So {\text{C}}{{\text{a}}^(2 + )} can be formed by providing second ionization energy. to the neutral atom.

The neutral atom corresponding to {{\text{N}}^(3 - )} is nitrogen. If second ionization energy is supplied to nitrogen, it results in the formation of{{\text{N}}^(2 + )}, not {{\text{N}}^(3 - )}. So {{\text{N}}^(3 - )} cannot be formed by providing the second ionization energy to the neutral atom.

The neutral atom corresponding to {\text{F}}{{\text{e}}^(3 + )} is iron. If second ionization energy is supplied to the iron atom, it results in the formation of {\text{F}}{{\text{e}}^(2 + )}, not {\text{F}}{{\text{e}}^(3 + )}. So  {\text{F}}{{\text{e}}^(3 + )} cannot be formed by providing the second ionization energy to the neutral atom.

The neutral atom corresponding to {{\text{S}}^(2 - )} is sulfur. If second ionization energy is supplied to the sulfur atom, it results in the formation of {{\text{S}}^(2 + )}, not {{\text{S}}^(2 - )}. So {{\text{S}}^(2 - )} cannot be formed by providing the second ionization energy to the neutral atom.

Therefore, the only ion that can be formed by supplying the second ionization energy is {\text{C}}{{\text{a}}^(2 + )}.

Learn more:

1. Which is the oxidation-reduction reaction:


2. What is the mass of 1 mole of viruses: brainly.com/question/8353774

Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Periodic classification of elements

Keywords: second ionization energy, Ca2+, N3-, Fe3+, S2-, IE1, IE2, first electron, second electron, neutral atom., nitrogen, calcium, iron, sulfur.

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So the answer is O-16: its mass is almost the same as the average atomic mass.




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0.640 g of SO2


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mass of C2H5OH = 46g = 1 mole

1 mole of C2H5OH ------------ 46g
x moles of C2H5OH ----------- 230g
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Answer: The correct answer is option 4.


2C+3H_2\rightarrow C_2H_6

According to the reaction, 1 mol of C_2H_6 is obtained from 2 moles of C gives

Then, 2 moles of C_2H_6 will be obtained from:

(2)/(1)* 2 moles of C =4 moles

Hence, the correct answer is option 4.

The answer is (4) 4.0 mol. This is a stoichiometry problem. You start with 2.0 mol of C2H6 and obtain the moles of C by multiplying 2.0 by the mole ratio, in this case 2. 2.0*2=4.0mol.

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23.0733 L


The mass of hydrogen peroxide present in 125 g of 50% of hydrogen peroxide solution:

Mass=\frac {50}{100}* 125\ g

Mass = 62.5 g

Molar mass of H_2O_2 = 34 g/mol

The formula for the calculation of moles is shown below:

moles = (Mass\ taken)/(Molar\ mass)

Thus, moles are:

moles= (62.5\ g)/(34\ g/mol)

moles= 1.8382\ mol

Consider the given reaction as:


2 moles of hydrogen peroxide decomposes to give 1 mole of oxygen gas.


1 mole of hydrogen peroxide decomposes to give 1/2 mole of oxygen gas.


1.8382 moles of hydrogen peroxide decomposes to give \frac {1}{2}* 1.8382 mole of oxygen gas. </p><p>Moles of oxygen gas produced = 0.9191 mol</p><p>Given: </p><p>Pressure = 746 torr</p><p>The conversion of P(torr) to P(atm) is shown below:</p><p>[tex]P(torr)=\frac {1}{760}* P(atm)


Pressure = 746 / 760 atm = 0.9816 atm

Temperature = 27 °C

The conversion of T( °C) to T(K) is shown below:

T(K) = T( °C) + 273.15  


T₁ = (27 + 273.15) K = 300.15 K

Using ideal gas equation as:



P is the pressure

V is the volume

n is the number of moles

T is the temperature  

R is Gas constant having value = 0.0821 L.atm/K.mol

Applying the equation as:

0.9816 atm × V = 0.9191 mol × 0.0821 L.atm/K.mol × 300.15 K

⇒V = 23.0733 L

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According to zeroth law of thermodynamics, when two objects are kept in contact, heat (energy) is transferred from one to the other until they reach the same temperature (are in thermal equilibrium). When the objects are at the same temperature there is no heat transfer.

So, at equilibrium, q_(lost)=q_(gain),  q_(lost)= q_(milk) + q_(coffee)

q=m×c×T, where q = heat energy, m = mass of a substance, c = specific heat (units J/kg∙K), T is temperature

q_(lost)= (15X13X4.19)+(148X88.3X4.19), (15+148)X4.19XT_(final)=(15X13X4.19)+(148X88.3X4.19)

T_(final)= 81.37 ° C