If you believed in the oscillating universe theory, you would say, _____.


Answer 1

in the distant future, we're all going to be crushed

Answer 2


distant future thanks


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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "b. Congress passed laws to end other forms of discrimination against women." In the 1920s and 1930s, one result of women's success in gaining the right to vote was that Congress passed laws to end other forms of discrimination against women.

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D. Stereotype. A Stereotype can be positive or negative about a group but even if it is true in some cases it is still a generalisation. The only generalisation that holds true us that not all generalisations are true.

The answer is D, stereotype. Hope I Helped!

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the answer would be b
False, they are because it's their house. 

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C. Is he answer your looking for it's the part of the dream that is remembered,and the hidden meaning of the dream.

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it was strict, I honestly dont know the answer I just need some points , disregard this whole thing I hope you find the answer

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B) planning meals.
C) taking vitamin supplements each day.
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b planning meals