What causes water molecules to be attracted to each other? A. Polar covalent bonds inside each water molecule
B. Hydrogen bonds inside each water molecule
C. Ionic bonds between water molecules
D. Nonpolar covalent bonds between water molecules


Answer 1


Both polar covalent bonds inside each water molecule and hydrogen bonds inside each water molecule are liable for attraction between water molecules.


  • Water is a polar protic molecule.
  • Due to large difference in electronegativity between oxygen and hydrogen atom, two O-H bonds in water molecule are polar.
  • Due to the presence of polar covalent bonds in water molecule, water molecules attract each other through oppositely polarized ends.
  • In water molecules, H atom is attached with highly electronegative oxygen atom. Hence hydrogen bonding interaction arises between water molecules.
  • So, both option (A) and (B) are correct
Answer 2
Answer: This polarity makes water molecules attracted to each other. The oxygen-hydrogen bond in the alcohol molecule is also polar. But, the carbon hydrogen bonds in the rest of the alcohol molecule are nonpolar. In these bonds, the electrons are shared more or less evenly.

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What's the balanced equation for cellular respiration?


Correct answer is:

C_(6)H_(12)O_6+6O_(2)\Rightarrow 6CO_(2)+6H_(2)O+energy

But how to get there?

Let's start with simple explanation of what exactly is cellular respiration. 

Cellular respiration is a multistage biochemical oxidation process of organic substances when prime product is energy (ATP - adenosine triphosphate) and other are released waste products. Cellular respiration takes place even if other metabolic processes are stopped, but cellular respiration may differ in particular organism groups.Some reactions during whole process of cellular respiration are similar in all types of living organisms.

Cellular respiration is prime indication of declining living processes.Only viruses which are on the edge of living organism and chemical particle are not performing cellular respiration.But to the point :P

In cellular respiration all substrates which are in the cell might be organic, but mostly we are using sugar oxidation - glucose in the presence of oxygen. Chemical formula of sugar looks like this:


Oxygen is just


so for now we have just part of the equation:


But what would be on the right hand side?

It's quite simple, remember equation of full combustion? If we want to burn something we need oxygen like in the equation, so the product of this equation would be carbon dioxide, water and of course energy (ATP).Carbon dioxide formula looks like this:


As a reminder water formula:


Full formula would look like that:

C_(6)H_(12)O_6+O_(2)\Rightarrow\ CO_(2)+H_(2)O+energy

But still as you see this equation is unbalanced, after balancing it would like that:

C_(6)H_(12)O_6+6O_(2)\Rightarrow 6CO_(2)+6H_(2)O+energy

At the end I would like to explain one more thing. Energy which has been released during this process is part of high-energy connection which might be used to perform chemical reactions in the cell or to move organism for example in muscles. We need to remember that production of ATP is not happening with 100% efficiency and part of this energy is released as heat.

What is the molarity of an aqueous solution that contains 12.2 grams of SrCl2 dissolved in 2,500 milliliters of solution?


Molarity is


First you need to find how many moles 12.2 grams is 

To do this you need to find molecular weight of SrCl2
(87.62)+(35.45*2) = 158.52 g/mol

Now convert 12.2 g into moles
12.2 g * 1 mol / 158.52 g (12.2/158.52) = 0.0769618976 moles

Next convert 2500 mL into Litres
2500mL * 1L / 1000mL (2500/1000) = 2.5 Litres

Finally do moles / Litres

0.0769618976 / 2.5 = 0.0308 M

0.031 M is the molarity of an aqueous solution that contains 12.2 grams of SrCl2 dissolved in 2,500 milliliters of solution.

ZnS has two common polymorphs: Sphalerite and Wurtzite. Based on the analysis of Medelung constants alone, predict which polymorph should be more stable. Assume that the Zn-S distances in the two polymorphs are identical.



Wurzite has a higher Madelung constant when compared with Sphalerite therefore Wurizite is more stable.


Zinc Sulphide is a chemical compound that exhibits polymorphism. This means Zinc Sulphide can exists in different forms as a compound. Zinc Sulphide has two common polymorphs named; Wurtzite and Sphalerite .

This two polymorphs are crystalline in structure. Wurtzite is hexagonal in shape while Sphalerite is cubic in shape.

Madelung constant was named after German Physicist Erwin Madelung. Madelung constant is dependent on the the way ions are arranged in a solid substance or molecule. It is used to calculate the amount of energy required to move an ion from one point to the another in a crystal substance.

Madelung constant for Wurtzite is 1.64132 and for Sphalerite is 1.63806. Due to the fact that Wurtzite has a slightly higher Madelung constant that Sphalerite, it tends to be more stable than Sphalerite.


Which can be determined using a chemical formula?a. the elements that make up the compound
b. the substances that make up a solution
c. the pH of a solution
d. the boiling point of a compound


A chemical formula can be directly used to find out the elements that make up the compound. Also, since each chemical compound has a unique boiling point, that can also be determined by just knowing the chemical formula. The answers are:

a. the elements that make up the compound
d. the boiling point of a compound

Answer: a. the elements that make up the compound


Chemical formulas are the symbolic representation of the elements contained in a compound along with their relative proportions.

For example: The chemical formula for water is H_2o which shows that it is formed by combination of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of 2: 1 respectively.

pH of the solution is determined by litmus paper, pH paper or pH meter.

Boiling point is the temperature at which atmospheric pressure becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure.

A crucible contains 6.4 g of copper, Cu. How many moles does this amount contain? [Given: Cu=64]


Use this formula:
Mass = moles x RFM

(RFM = Relative Formula Mass, or the total mass of a substance or element for example Cu=64)

Rearrange the formula to find the number of moles
Moles = mass/RFM
           = 0.1

Which state of matter has a definite volume but can change its shape?A.) Solid





because solid has a definite shape and volume




This is because the intermolecular forces of attraction are strong enough to hold the molecules together but not so strong as to fix them into definite positions (as in solids). Instead, they possess fluidity and hence no definite shape.