Which property is best to use when determining the strength of an ionic bond in a solid? lattice energy conductivity hardness solubility


Answer 1

The property best used when determining the strength of an ionic bond in a solid is:


The lattice energy is the energy released during the deposition of gaseous ions of opposite charges. Deposition is the transformation of gas to solid.


The main types of solids are ionic, molecular, covalent, and hard. Ionic solids consist of absolutely and negatively energized ions held concurrently by electrostatic forces; the power of the bonding is indicated in the lattice energy. Ionic solids manage to have high melting points and are fairly hard. lattie energy is a stratagem of the energy received in the crystal lattice of a compound, similar to the energy that would be delivered if the element ions were produced together from infinity.

Answer 2


A. lattice energy


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Mr. Smith wanted to see if the color of light shined on a plant had an effect on the number of leaves it had. He gathered 2 groups of the same species of plants, gave them the same amount of water, and did the test for the same amount of time. On one group of plants he used white light. For the second group he changed the light color to red.


Final answer:

The color of light affects plants' growth and leaf production due to the role of different light colors in photosynthesis and the phytochrome system in plants. Chlorophyll mainly absorbs red and blue light from the light spectrum for photosynthesis, and far-red light can slow plant growth. Therefore, exposure to different light colors could result in different numbers of leaves.


The subject of the question is how the color of light affects the growth of plants, specifically the number of leaves plants produce. This experiment is primarily about the effect of light on plant's photosynthesis, a process that uses light to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose. The glucose is utilized to fulfill various energy requirements of the plant's growth, including the growth of leaves.

Light has diverse wavelengths, with each color representing a different wavelength. While white light contains all the possible color wavelengths, the red light specifically contains a higher wavelength region. According to Sir Isaac Newton's experiment, sunlight, which looks white to us, contains all the colors of the spectrum.

In this context, the phytochrome system in plants plays a crucial role. Chlorophyll, the green pigment in leaves, absorbs mainly red and blue light from the light spectrum and uses that energy for photosynthesis. However, far-red light, which is one element of white light, is not absorbed. If a plant is exposed more to far-red light, it could slow its growth.

Consequently, the difference in the number of leaves that Mr.Smith observed in the plants under white light and those under red light might be due to the role of light color in photosynthesis and the phytochrome system in plants.

Learn more about Effect of Light Color on Plant Growth here:



The ancient philosophers discussed the world around thembut did not do any experiments or detailed observations.





Final answer:

The claim that ancient philosophers did not conduct experiments or detailed observations is false. Philosophers like Aristotle made extensive contributions to biology through observation, and Hellenistic scholars conducted early forms of experimental research.


The statement that ancient philosophers discussed the world around them but did not do any experiments or detailed observations is FALSE. While it is true that some ancient philosophers, particularly in the early stages of Greek philosophy, were more speculative in nature, others, such as Aristotle, engaged in detailed observations and can be considered early scientists. For example, Aristotle conducted extensive studies on biology, classifying a vast number of species and making observations on their life cycles, habits, and anatomy.

Throughout history, methodologies have varied, and while the ancient philosophers didn't conduct experiments in the modern sense, they did employ various forms of inquiry to understand the world. Furthermore, in the Hellenistic period, scholars at institutions like the Library of Alexandria did indeed conduct forms of research that could be seen as experimental, such as Eratosthenes estimating the Earth's circumference.

Learn more about Ancient Philosophy and Science here:



Explain how molecular size plays a role in the strength of intermolecular forces.


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1. An unknown compound was found to have a percent composition of: 47.0%potassium, 14.5% carbon, and 38.5 % oxygen. What is its empirical formula? If
the true molar mass of the compound is 166.22 g/mol, what is its molecular


Answer:The empirical formula is KCO2


Which is a compound?
a. iodine.
b. water.
c. calcium.
d. air.


The answer is b) Water.

a) and c) options are elements and d) option is a mixture.

Explain why fluorine and chlorine are in the same group of the periodic table.Give the electronic structures of fluorine and chlorine in your explanation.


They have 7 electrons in their outer shell

Final answer:

Fluorine and chlorine are in the same group of the periodic table (Group 17) because they both have seven electrons in their outermost shell which leads to similar chemical behavior. Fluorine's electronic structure is 2,7, while chlorine's is 2,8,7.


Fluorine and chlorine are in the same group (Group 17) on the periodic table because they have similar electronicstructures, specifically, they both have seven electrons in their outermost (valence) shell. This same property results in similar chemical behaviors as elements in the same group of the periodic table tend to have similar properties because they have the same number of valence electrons.

The electronic structure of fluorine, which has 9 electrons in total, is 2,7. This means there are 2 electrons in the first energy level and 7 in the second. Chlorine, with 17 electrons total, has an electronic structure of 2,8,7. This means there are 2 electrons in the first energy level, 8 in the second, and 7 in the third.

Learn more about Group 17 Elements here:
